We have bad news in Connecticut. Two bills we’ve been fighting — HB 5150 and SB 200 — were recently signed into law. The new laws maintain Connecticut’s current THC limits for the next few months. But starting October 1, 2024, all manufactured hemp products will be limited to 1mg THC per serving/5mg THC per container, eliminating the current 25mg allowance for hemp tinctures. The only exception is for infused beverages, which will be limited to 3mg THC per container, 12 fluid ounces, and 4 containers per pack. Things get even worse starting January 1, 2025, when moderate-THC hemp products will be limited to 0.5mg THC per serving/5mg THC per container. The exception for infused beverages will continue, however.
A third bill, HB 5235, is in conference committee and may be enacted soon. The bill expands the current definitions of manufactured cannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids, treats synthetic cannabinoids as schedule I controlled substances, and prohibits the sale of synthetic cannabinoids. |