How Can Medical Marijuana Support Veterans?

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Medical marijuana prescriptions can help people with a range of physical and mental health complaints. Medical marijuana has been prescribed to help with everything from pain relief to the symptoms of depression and anxiety. For military veterans, who may deal with several health issues resulting from their service, medical marijuana prescriptions can have a significantly positive impact on their lives. Many find that it can help them manage the symptoms they experience more effectively than other medications and can result in fewer side effects.

Medical marijuana prescriptions have the potential to offer several key benefits to veterans experiencing conditions relating to their physical health and mental health.


Managing PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression

PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems are common among military veterans. Treatments for these mental health conditions can range from medication to various therapies, but they can often be difficult to manage. Different treatments can have varying levels of effectiveness, and access may not be available to all options. Other prescriptions of medicines for these conditions can come with side effects that are hard to deal with too.

Medical marijuana has been shown to help veterans manage several symptoms associated with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Studies have shown that it can help to improve sleep quality, reduce stress, manage pain, and generally improve quality of life.


Assisting with Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is another common problem among veterans. It may result from injuries obtained during their service or service-related in some way. Chronic pain not only relates to physical health but can also have effects on the mental health of veterans. Medical marijuana is often prescribed as a treatment to help manage chronic pain. It can help reduce the reliance on opioid medications while providing daily or occasional pain relief when needed. THC and CBD, both active compounds in marijuana, have been shown to help provide pain relief.


Reducing Risks Associated with Addiction

Substance abuse is high among military veterans. This problem can be linked to other mental and physical health conditions, including PTSD and chronic pain. Medical marijuana has the potential to help reduce the risks associated with substance abuse. It can help to prevent veterans from turning to alcohol, opioids, or other addictive substances. The instance of addiction to cannabis is typically much lower than other drugs, and studies have shown that it may have fewer side effects too.


Availability of Medical Marijuana Prescriptions for Veterans

Medical marijuana is becoming more permissible around the world. In Canada, medical marijuana is available under the Cannabis Act. Healthcare providers can approve medical marijuana prescriptions, and cannabis can be purchased from medically licensed sellers, produced in small amounts at home after registering with Health Canada or obtained by designating someone to produce it for the recipient.

At Avail Medical, our experienced team has knowledge of medical marijuana prescriptions and how they can help veterans manage their health. Our easy sign-up process requires four steps to start your journey.

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