How To Cope With Insomnia – A modern medical problem in the world?

Study shows that around 70 million people in the United States have the prevalence of insomnia. It is one of the most common sleep disorders and as well as a common modern medical problem in the world.

So, how do you know you have insomnia? You are free of work, and you want to sleep, but it’s not coming. That’s a big chance that you have insomnia. This is a serious issue, and you must want to get rid of that as soon as possible. Because, sound sleep is very crucial for your body and mind. If you have that kind of issue, then you are in the right place.

Here, in this write-up, we’re going to discuss what insomnia is and the causes of insomnia. We’ll try to let you know the dos and don’t to get rid of insomnia as we go through this article.

What Is Insomnia?

The inability to sleep properly is called insomnia. Moreover, you may not sleep quite well or stay awake at night or wake up in the middle of the night. Some people feel exhausted after a long day at work, yet they’re unable to sleep well. All of these bear the sign of insomnia.

Every person doesn’t require the same amount of sleep. So, insomnia doesn’t count on how many hours you sleep. It relies on how well you sleep. You may sleep 8 hours or more, but you feel dizzy the whole day. That’s insomnia too.


Types of Insomnia

There are three types of insomnia found in human body based on how long you are affected by it.


Acute insomnia

Acute insomnia is a kind of insomnia that lasts up to one month. If your sleep disorder doesn’t last more than one month, it can be called Acute insomnia. That is also referred to as adjustment insomnia. This kind of insomnia can occur due to situational stress like an exam or work deadlines. In most cases, this type of insomnia resolves when you get rid of that stress or learn to adapt to that stress.


Transient insomnia

Transient insomnia doesn’t last longer than a week. Other disorders cause this type of insomnia. Changes in the sleep environment also cause it. Any stress or mental depression can be the reason behind this kind of insomnia.


Chronic Insomnia

Chronic insomnia is the most serious type of insomnia. When your sleep disorder lasts more than one month, then it’s Chronic insomnia. Generally, insomnia is either Transient or Acute. But in severe cases, it can become Chronic. It is associated with psychiatric disorders.

Causes of Insomnia

Most of the causes of insomnia are mental. That includes stress, depression, and anxiety. Any traumatic experience from the past can be the reason for your sleep disorder. Some medicines also cause sleep disorders.

Symptoms of Insomnia

There are different symptoms of insomnia. That include:

  • Although the body feels tired, sleep is difficult to come by.
  • Waking up from sleep without fulfilling it in the night.
  • Once awakened, it’s hard to sleep again.
  • Can’t have a fresh sleep.


How to Cope with Insomnia? 

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can make your body tired and help you to fall asleep. Moderate exercises like swimming or walking are also quite helpful for overcoming any sort of anxiety or tension. These kinds of activities can help overcome insomnia. But, make sure you don’t exercise too close to bedtime. Because, it can make you stay awake.


Regular Sleep Hours

If you experience any symptoms of insomnia, then you should have a fixed sleep hour and should maintain it. Early sleeping and early rising in morning time are very necessary for health. Even if you are not facing any issue, you should try to sleep in a routine time. It would be best, if you chose a time when your body usually feels tired.


Take Pills for A Short Time

In most cases of insomnia, you shouldn’t take pills. Because, If your brain starts relying on drugs to sleep, it will be hard for you to have a natural sound sleep. In some severe cases, doctors suggest some patients to relay over the counter sleeping tablets. But, don’t make it a habit. You shouldn’t take medicines for an extended period.

And also, try not to take pills without the recommendation of your doctor. If you have to take medications, then take them as your doctor suggested. And please be aware of the side effects of the pills you’re taking.


Restful Sleeping Environment

A peaceful environment is essential for a sound sleep. You can’t have a good sleep if there is noise around you. So, make sure your bedroom is comfortable and peaceful. Temperature, lighting, and noise should be in your control, so that you can have a sound sleep. If you have a pet, don’t forget to move it somewhere else before sleeping. You don’t want any disturbance while sleeping, do you?

Quit Smoking

If you have a habit of smoking, then get rid of it. Nicotine is harmful to sleep. It tries to make you stay awake. For people who take nicotine, it takes longer to fall asleep. Smoking can also be the reason for waking up frequently.


Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine prevents you from falling asleep or having a deep sleep. If you are facing insomnia, then you should avoid caffeine. Instead, you can drink herbal tea or milky drinks.

Stop Overindulging

Your sleeping pattern can be interrupted by having too much food or alcohol. Alcohol sometimes helps you to fall asleep, but it is not suitable for you. It can cause interruption later on in your sleep. So, avoid overeating and drinking alcohol before bedtime.


Put Aside Your Worries

If you feel worried about something before sleeping, that may restrain you from falling asleep. You may be thinking about your working plans for tomorrow or anything else, while lying on the bed. That doesn’t help you to sleep. So, put your worries aside and relax.


Relax before Going to Bed

Before going to bed every night, put away your tension and anxiety. Try to relax. That can help to have a sound sleep.


Final Words

A sound sleep keeps your body and mind sound. That means it is vital to sleep well for both physical and mental wellness. So, insomnia is not something you want to have or live with. If you feel any sleep disorder, then try to maintain the tips we’ve already discussed above.


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