How to Qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida

Medical marijuana may not yet be legal at the federal level, but in the state of Florida and certain other states, you can get an ID card for medical MMJ.

Already, more than 300,000 residents in Florida have been issued an ID card for MMJ, and the numbers just continue to grow.

However, meeting the qualification to receive an ID card still requires a physician exam. Candidates must also present with a medical need that meets the state of Florida’s list of criteria.

What Is Medical Marijuana?

This term confuses a lot of patients. According to the federal government, medical marijuana is simply marijuana in its whole plant or whole plant extract form.

This is important because medical marijuana will contain some amount of both of the most important and well-documented active agents, the cannabinoids THC and CBD, as well as other important photo-compounds (plant compounds).

Both regular medical marijuana and low-THC MMJ are available to Florida patients who qualify for an ID card. Low-THC MMJ is offered because some patients find that they are sensitive to the psychoactive properties in THC that causes marijuana’s trademark “high.”

For these patients, having a low-THC option that causes no unpleasant sensitivity is very important.

Finding a MMJ Doctor With the Right Certification

The state of Florida provides a database of all physicians who have the necessary certification to issue a cannabis ID card to patients whose medical symptoms meet the state’s qualifications.

If your own personal physician is does not have the certification, you can request that they seek it or you can use a MMJ ID card physician service such as Florida’s Cannabimed. Cannabimed is Florida’s first mobile medical marijuana ID card and certification service that provides physician supervised service with the convenience of at-home or office visits. They’ll also help guide you through the application process once you’ve completed your consultation with the physician.

Common Reasons Patients Seek Qualification for Medical Cannabis

When medical marijuana first became available legally, the restrictions were tighter as far as what health symptoms qualified for medical marijuana use. In these earlier days, patients with symptoms arising from a diagnosis of cancer, epilepsy and HIV/AIDS were more likely to seek out medicinal cannabis.

Today, many more health conditions and their symptoms can qualify a patient to seek a cannabis ID card for treatment, including these:

– Crohn’s disease.
– Glaucoma.
– PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
– ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).
– MS (multiple sclerosis).
– PD (Parkinson’s disease).
– Cancer.
– Epilepsy.
– Comparable health conditions to those already listed.
– Chronic non-malignant pain arising from any health conditions already listed.

Even if you don’t think that your health condition qualifies you for treatment with cannabis, you should at least consult with a doctor who has the appropriate qualifications to find out – you might be surprised as the laws are changing quite quickly today, especially in regards to CBD use.

How to Prepare for Your ID Card Appointment

It is only natural to be a little bit nervous when you are making your MMJ ID card appointment.

But there is nothing to be nervous about as it is just like any other doctor appointment. You are there to seek help managing the symptoms of your health condition and you want to know if cannabis is the right solution.

Be sure to bring your health documentation and records, including results from health tests, diagnosis information, a list of current medications you take, a list of health symptoms you need help managing and questions for the doctor.

Then your MMJ doctor will do a basic health exam and let you know if you qualify.

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