How You Can Give Your Dog CBD Oil: 3 New Methods

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a versatile natural remedy derived from the hemp plant. With all the beneficial properties of cannabis and none of the psychoactive side-effects, it became a popular alternative treatment for several ailments and conditions.

But while it’s mostly used for human consumption, it could also be a good option for your four-legged best friend.


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CBD Administration

Cannabis oil for dogs works in the same way as that for humans. When your dog ingests it, it should quickly start taking effect, and you should notice a difference in your dog’s behavior within minutes.

However, the “ingesting” part might be a problem for some dog owners. CBD is known for its earthy, bitter taste and strong scent, and your pooch might not be eager to taste it.

So, sometimes, you need to be a bit creative in CBD administration. Take a look at the three best methods for giving CBD to your doggo, then check out how you can determine the right dosage.

1.   Try Out Several Different CBD Products

Since most people like the efficiency of CBD oil and tinctures, that’s what they go for when giving this hemp extract to their dogs. But, as you probably know, CBD can be an acquired taste. Fido might not enjoy it from the get-go.

So, instead of getting pure CBD oil, you might want to get another CBD product. Luckily, there’s an abundance of them – from creams and lotions to edibles and dog treats.

If your pooch is somewhat of a picky eater, getting a tasty CBD dog treat might be the best choice. You’ll see Fido’s eyes widen, and their tails start to wag as soon as you open the bag. CBD dog treats are affordable, readily available, and they come with a specified CBD dose so you can avoid having a headache from trying to figure out the dosage.

2.   Be Direct, But Use CBD As a Treat

If you still prefer oils and tinctures, there’s a way to get your pooch to appreciate them.

The biggest mistake most dog owners make is trying to hide CBD and treating it as a medicine. You know the drill – chasing your dog around the house when it’s time for their medication, forcing their mouth open, and pushing the pill (or in this case oil) down their throat. Who would enjoy that? That’s the fastest way to get your dog to hate CBD.

Instead, approach CBD for dogs as a treat.

Offer it as a reward for good behavior, and be happy and excited when giving it to your dog. It will take some patience, but the more excited you are about CBD, the more excited your pooch will be.

3.   Make Home-Made CBD-Infused Peanut Butter or Other Treats

Virtually every dog loves eating peanut butter, and you can use this to your advantage when it comes to CBD administration. Simply infuse it into a jar of peanut butter, and watch your pooch go crazy for it.

All you’ll need is CBD isolate, a jar of peanut butter, and a double boiler.

Decide on the right dosage before you start. If you’re using 16oz of PB and add 1g of isolate, each spoonful will have about 30mg CBD.

Now, get your double boiler over low to medium heat, open your jar of PB, and put the oil that’s separated from the solids in the top pan. Scoop the rest of the PB in a separate bowl. Add your desired dose of CBD into the pan with PB oil, and stir until it’s combined. Once that’s done, pour the combined oils over solid PB, mix it, and put it back into the jar. There you have it. CBD-infused PB that Fido will love.

You can cook other foods with CBD oil as well, just don’t expose it to high temperatures. CBD has a boiling point between 320°F and 356°F and will burn at higher temperatures, losing most of its beneficial properties.

So, as long as you don’t cook it at high temperatures, you can make any home-made treats or dog food that your pooch enjoys.

Get the Dosage for Your Pooch Right

The right CBD dose is difficult to determine, whether we’re talking about people or animals. You need to take into account many different factors, your dog’s weight, age, daily diet, metabolism and digestion, and the condition you’re trying to treat. But generally, weight is an essential factor.

The average dose is about 2mg per 10lbs.

It’s always best to start with a lower dose then slowly work your way up over the course of several weeks. Notice how your dog behaves in the hours following CBD application. If you don’t see any changes, increase the dose slightly, but always consult with your vet first.

The Bottom Line

Giving CBD to your dog can be challenging. Just remember not to make it a traumatic experience for them. Always use positive reinforcement and avoid forcing your dog to eat it. Be patient, mix CBD with different foods to see what your pooch enjoys, and go slowly


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