“I was in a bad emotional moment…”, speaks the suspected recruiter of hashish women in Albania

Yes even Albanian  people smugglers have emotional moments apparently



“I was in a very bad emotional moment, my father had just died. I had no finances, I was forced to leave my family and go to work to work,” said HD, accused of being the organizer.

This lady who welcomed us into her apartment is under house arrest in one of the important cities of Albania.

She claims that she sought legal work to feed her family, but fell into a trap.

The same as many hashish workers recruited by criminal groups. But, in its conclusions, the Special Prosecution Office Against Corruption and Organized Crime considers her as one of the organizers.

So, recruiter for dozens of other women who worked on cannabis farms.

“The lawsuit has requested my sentence of 10 years in prison, but with a shortened trial it goes to 6.8. I have served 1 and a half years in prison and am now under house arrest. It has damaged me greatly, economically and psychologically,” said HD, accused of being the organizer.

SPAK has requested the woman’s guilty plea for two very serious charges regarding her involvement in the illegal business of cultivating narcotics.

The defendant’s guilty plea for committing the criminal offense of Production and sale of narcotics in the form of a structured criminal group, her sentence to 10 years in prison. The sentence to two years in prison for participation in a structured criminal group. In combination of sentences of 10 years, while from the final trial to be sentenced to 6 years and 8 months in prison.

Following the conclusions of the prosecution, the next court session was scheduled for Friday, March 7, to present the defense’s conclusions.

“I am innocent, I hope justice is served, I don’t expect punishment at all. I have nothing to do with the things they say. I hope justice is served this time,” said HD, accused of being the organizer.

This lady is one of dozens like her who were banned after sensational raids on cannabis greenhouses in Shkodra and Berat.

Other women have more or less taken the same stance, considering themselves victims of poverty.

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