ICBC To Feature German Politicians Discussing Cannabis Reform At Conference On 26th August

From the ICBC press release

ICBC is hosting a unique event this year. Moderated by Jürgen Neumeyer, the managing director of the BvCW, a trade group for German cannabis firms, this fascinating hour-long panel will feature top politicians and policymakers from across the spectrum debating the future of legalization in Germany.

From Erwin Rüddel, the CDU-affiliated chair of the German Bundestag’s Committee on Health to politicians and representatives from the SPD, Die Linke and the Greens, the conversation will focus on how to move the needle forward in a political and economic climate that so far has been challenging.

Will Germany follow Switzerland, Portugal, and Holland into a recreational trial in the next several years, or will the question of greater normalization if not full boat recreational reform languishes in more political wrangling and delay?

But this is hardly the only issue on the table. What is the future of medical cannabis reform in a country where most patients still cannot find doctors, much less gain approvals if they have statutory health care – and how can needed social reforms in health insurance create a better environment for the chronically ill and those who need access now but cannot get it?

This entire conversation of course is taking place at a time when cannabis by prescription has been legit for over four years, yet the drug is also not even decriminalized (putting patients at even greater risk).

Beyond the medical discussion, CBD also still languishes in a strange space, even as other countries in Europe begin to experiment with recreational trials.

Neumeyer will guide the panelists through the bigger issues at the table – as well as try to determine a path if not a timeline for future reform. Held on the first day of the ICBC B2B conference on August 26th, this is a first-of-its-kind event that should not be missed.

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