ICEERS: “Legal status of ayahuasca in the world” – Ayahuasca Defense Fund (ADF)

Between January and August 2024, ICEERS’ legal defense program, ADF (Ayahuasca Defense Fund), has been involved in 34 new legal cases related to plants of traditional use, 19 of them involving ayahuasca.


Ayahuasca Defense Fund

Creating a world where ayahuasca and other psychoactive plants can be used legally and safely.

The ADF unites state-of-the-art legal, scientific, community, and public policy expertise. Through the ADF we serve the community by working with defendants worldwide, providing reliable expert information and promoting sensible public policy.

The Ayahuasca Defense Fund (ADF) is an ICEERS program dedicated to addressing the challenges presented by the growing criminalization of practices with ayahuasca and other teacher plants. The ADF’s work is supported by a Steering Committee and Expert Committees made up of drug policy experts, lawyers, legal strategists and renowned academics.


Ayahuasca Defense Fund (ADF)


What we offer

We believe that the prosecution of ethical and responsible practices is an injustice. The Ayahuasca Defense Fund works with defendants worldwide to assure the best legal defense.

In a time of confusion and misinformation about ayahuasca legality, the ADF aims to become a useful expert resource for legal clarity and protection.

The Ayahuasca Defense Fund engages with policy makers, law enforcement authorities and all relevant actors to work towards sensible, human-rights based public policy.

Who we are

Strategy and decision making

Benjamin de Loenen
Constanza Sánchez
Ben Christie
Jeffrey Bronfman
Andrea Langlois
Charlotte Walsh
Ismail Ali
Natalia Rebollo

Day-to-day management and operation

Benjamin de Loenen
Constanza Sánchez
José Carlos Bouso
Andrea Langlois
Natalia Rebollo

Legal strategy

Aleix Vila Maria
Alexis Kaiser
Diego de las Casas
Farrah Al-jarrah
Héctor Brotons
Javier Esteban
Pedro Caldentey Marí
Roberto Castro
Rodrigo González

Advocacy strategy

Amanda Feilding
Ethan Nadelmann
Kasia Malinowska
Kenneth Tupper
Patricia Chulver
Pien Metaal
Rick Doblin

Technical work

Charles Grob
Dennis McKenna
Draulio de Araujo
Luís Fernando Tófoli
Rafael G. Dos Santos

Legal map research, webinars and community events

Bia Labate
J. Hamilton Hudson
Robert Heffernan
David Rance
Ben Meeus
Carlos Suárez Álvarez
Rini Hartman
Juan Scuro
Pierre Tchaikowski
Guillaume Krief
Ismael Apud
Olivier Taymans
Diego Rodolfo Viegas
Miroslav Horák


Ayahuasca Defense Fund (ADF)

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