In Case You Missed It – Full Meeting of the Cannabis Control Board March 20, 2025 .

They are still obsessing about licensing and also how close dispensaries can be to Houses of Worship..

I’m presuming the

The Church of Haile Selassie I at 470 Gates Ave # A, Brooklyn, NY won’t be worrying about that issue too much !

Here’s the agenda which looks much like all the other agendas they’ve put out.

An absolute obession with handing out licenses and not looking at the bigger picture


What happened?

NY Cannabis Update: The CCB met today.
Highlights below:

1. 101 AU applications approved today:
▪ 2 Cultivation
▪ 10 Processors (presumably all kinds)
▪ 32 Type 3 Processors (branding licenses)
▪ 14 Distribution (5 self distribution)
▪ 29 Retail
▪ 14 Microbusiness
▪ 1 RO (seems like no more ROs to be issued)
Plus 3 license renewals (all CAURDs)

2. Other licensing items:
▪ Provisional Extension – 6 month extension for provisional retail applicants
▪ Tier Changes– Only available to AUCCs and can only change to a tier or growing method that was available when converting to a final non-conditional license (Tier 1-2: mixed; Tiers 1-4: outdoor; Tiers 1-2: combo)
▪ No December queue update

3. Cultivation Update:
▪ OCM recommended a slowdown of issuing cultivation licenses – CCB did not approve a slowdown or cap on cultivation
▪ OCM would like to first see data from seed-to-sale tracing, 2025 harvest data & retail store number growth and demand trends over time

4. Proximity Distance Policy – Retail stores cannot be located within 500 ft. of a school grounds or 200 ft. of a house of worship. Today, a policy was approved so the OCM and CCB can use the date of submission of the location to OCM to determine whether the proposed location complies with cannabis regulations

5. PCA Waivers – CCB briefly discussed PCA waivers. CCB said they will continue to consider and actively review requests for PCA waivers

6. PLMA Regulations – Proposed amendments (if finalized):
▪ Part 128–Would allow for discounting with some requirements, including that the discount cannot result in the sale of cannabis products below market value or subvert State/local tax collection
▪ What is market value? Proposed to be 150% of the wholesale price paid by the retailer for those products
▪ Part 129:
▪ Would permit unlimited signs affixed to licensed premises & up to 3 signs not affixed
▪ Logo can be on signage
▪ Certain allowances for promotions & product discounts
▪ Brand representative – could be used for product giveaways, education and similar services
▪ This is just a summary and are subject to the actual language in the proposed amendments. Also, these amendments are not final & will go through a 45-day comment period

7. Licensing Update:
▪ About 50 applications not yet reviewed
▪ Current licenses: 255 final CAURD, 2 TDO, 9 ROs, 182 prov. retail; 202 cultivation, 371 processors, 200 distributors, 254 micros (95-retail), 347 retail
▪ 55% of licenses are SEE

8. Market Update:
▪ January and February 2025 sales were slower than maybe expected, but rebounding in March.
▪ 220.1M already in 2025 (154.6M in 2023 and 869.4M in 2024)

9. Trade Practices Bureau Update:
▪ Investigating inversion, TPI, ownership and control violations, license stacking, white labeling to produce house retail brands and pay-to-play (processors paying for floor space at retail establishments)


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