INCBA Says They Have “newly invigorated Students Committee”

Here’s the blurbarama..

Kick-off Meeting for Students Committee

We’re excited to announce the kick-off meeting for our newly invigorated Students Committee. We invite you to be part of this exciting beginning on Wednesday, November 8, 1:00 pm PST | 3:00 pm CST | 4:00 pm EST via Zoom.

Meet Your Committee Leaders

Alexis Lazzeri – Committee Chair

Alexis is a Corporate & Regulatory Attorney at Manzuri Law, specializing in cannabis legal matters. She graduated from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, where she held roles as the Executive Notes Editor of the Hastings Business Law Journal and President of Law Students for Sensible Drug Policy.

Callie Hoffman – Committee Co-Chair 

Callie Hoffman is a versatile professional with a strong foundation in law and policy. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science  with a focus on International Law & Human Rights from the University of California, Berkeley, she has seamlessly transitioned into the legal field. Callie is currently a Summer Associate at Manzuri Law, specializing in cannabis legal matters.

David Ruskin – Board Liaison

As the Board Liaison, David Ruskin bridges the committee’s initiatives with the larger goals of INCBA. David offers strategic guidance to ensure the committee’s alignment with INCBA’s mission.

Committee Membership

The Students Committee is open to all current students, including undergraduate, graduate, and law school students, who share a passion for cannabis law.

Committee Goals for 2024

  • Informal Mentorship Program: The committee aims to create opportunities for students to connect with INCBA attorneys through networking and volunteer events.
  • Writing Opportunities: This includes opportunities to publish work on INCBA’s blog or assist with relevant research for INCBA’s committees.
  • Free CLE OpportunitiesThe committee is dedicated to providing free Continuing Legal Education sessions tailored to the needs of law student members.
  • Building CommunityThe committee’s goal is to create a supportive space where like-minded law students from across the country can connect, building lasting relationships within the INCBA community.
  • Career PlacementThe Students Committee aims to assist high-achieving law student members passionate about cannabis law in finding placements with INCBA member attorneys.

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