India: Telangana man held with 2 kg Hashish oil

CHENNAI: Chennai police arrested a 35-year-old man in the city with two kg of hashish oil.

The arrested man has been identified as A Raj, of Hyderabad.

A team from Washermenpet prohibition enforcement wing had detained him on the grounds of suspicion near Tondiarpet railway station on Friday.

When he refused to answer the cops’ questions properly, police checked his bag and found two kg of Hashish oil, extracted from ganja.

He claimed that he had smuggled the narcotics substance from Hyderabad hoping to sell it in Chennai.

Police said that Raj had been arrested and remanded in judicial custody.

City police said that the arrest was part of their drive against drugs and would continue their crackdown against ganja and other narcotics substances in the coming days.

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