There goes the Indonesian medical cannabis sector in one fell swoop. Thailand definitely have the steal on the rest of the region now.
The Agriculture Ministry will revise a 2020 ministerial decree that lists marijuana as a “medicinal plant” under the ministry’s supervision. Signed on Feb. 3, the decree includes marijuana (Cannabis sativa) as one of 66 medicinal plants whose production is under the supervision of the ministry’s horticulture directorate general. The decree went viral on Friday after the Nusantara Marijuana Network (LGN) posted a photo of the document on its Instagram account, @lgn_id.
Read the Instagram account at
The decree went viral on Friday after the Nusantara Marijuana Network (LGN) posted a photo of the document on its Instagram account, @lgn_id.
This article was published in with the title “Up in smoke: Ministry to revoke marijuana’s designation as ‘medicinal plant’”. Click to read: