Ireland: Dublin Airport corporate lounge manager jailed for moving cocaine out of toilet cubicle

Jocelino De Silva (44) was used because of his ability to access secure areas of airport, court told

A manager of the corporate lounge in Dublin Airport has been jailed for six years after he picked up three kilogrammes of cocaine in a toilet cubicle in order to move the drugs out of the airport.

Jocelino De Silva (44) of Hill Street, Dublin 1, picked up the drugs from the cubicle after his co-accused Lucas Farias (27) of no fixed abode, carried just under 15kg of cocaine, valued at €1.43 million, from Brazil in his suitcase.

De Silva had been contracted to work as manager in the corporate lounge at that time. He pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to having three kilogrammes of cocaine, valued at €210,000 in a backpack on July 11th, 2022, while Farias admitted importation of the 15kg of cocaine into the country on the same date.

Neither man has previous convictions and both have been remanded in custody since their arrests.

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