Is Cannabidiol a Safe and Effective Sleep Aid?

Sleep and health go hand in hand. Good and sound sleep helps you to stay focused, energized, and in a good mood throughout the day. As per various scientific studies and studies of human behavior, one should try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day. But in today’s fast-paced world and hectic lifestyles, many people find themselves unable to complete their daily sleep quota.

As per data from the National Council on Aging, around 50–70 million Americans suffer from some sort of sleep disorder. Lack of proper sleep results in low productivity and an agitated mood, which over time can cause a plethora of health issues. 

This has created a demand for natural sleep remedies, and Cannabidiol (CBD) is leading that race. Many people now incorporate CBD gummies or oil into their pre-bedtime routine. Today we will explore the reason behind CBD’s surge as a sleep aid and if it’s actually an effective option.

What Is CBD?

You must have heard about CBD sleep gummies, CBD oils, CBD lotions, and many other such products. But what exactly is CBD? Well, cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a naturally occurring compound found in Cannabis sativa plants (hemp and marijuana). 

The 2018 farm bill legalized the production, sale, and consumption of hemp-derived CBD products at the federal level. 

That’s why so many CBD brands and products have popped up on the market, and more money is being spent on studies to figure out CBD’s potential healing and therapeutic properties. 

Unlike THC, which is another cannabinoid with intoxicating properties, CBD doesn’t have sedating properties; it cannot make you high. Hence, all CBD products have a maximum limit of 0.3% THC for general consumption. 

Relation Between Sleep And CBD

To understand the relationship between good sleep and CBD, we must first learn about the endocannabinoid system present in our bodies. The endocannabinoid system is a complex cluster cell signaling network, and it’s spread throughout our body.

It’s responsible for maintaining a state of balance by maintaining various physiological processes, including our sleep and wake cycles, mood, memory, appetite, pain perception, and more. Our body itself produces some natural cannabinoids, like anandamide, which interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors to promote a healthy sleep cycle. 

The 24-hour biological clock in the body, which tells us when to wake up and when to fall asleep, is controlled by a small area in our brain called the hypothalamus. It’s a crucial part of the endocannabinoid system and is full of cannabinoid receptors. 

The hypothalamus secretes hormones like melatonin, which has light sensitivity and signals our body to fall asleep. It’s also responsible for producing hormones that manage our heart rate, appetite, and mood.

CBD, when consumed in the form of gummies, oils, and other forms, enters our bloodstream and affects the working of our internal cannabinoid receptors. Instead of binding to them, it influences them in certain ways, which calms our nerves, curbs our racy thoughts, and brings down our anxiety levels. 

Nowadays, CBD gummies come infused with melatonin and other natural sleep-inducing compounds like lemon balm, GABA, 5HTP, and more. All the cannabinoids in gummies and oils work in sync with other natural compounds to help us relax and ease into restful sleep. 

That’s why taking a CBD gummy an hour or two before bed can do wonders for your sleep routine. Further, CBD also has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, so it can help you recover better as well. Sleep and recovery go hand in hand; hence, using CBD products for better sleep is like killing two birds with a single stone. 

What Sleep Disorders Can CBD Help With?

Now that we know how CBD and sleep are related, let’s take a look at specific sleep issues it can help you with. 


CBD may help with insomnia by reducing anxiety, pain, and other factors that can interfere with sleep. Some studies show that CBD could improve sleep quality, decrease sleep disruptions, and increase total sleep time in people with insomnia. 

CBD is generally considered much safer than prescription sleep medications because of its natural healing properties and negligible side effects. Just make sure to only buy CBD from reputable brands that have the latest lab test reports. 

Distorted Sleep

Neurological disorders like restless leg syndrome can disturb an individual’s sleep cycle. People suffering from RLS experience an uncomfortable sensation and an irresistible urge to move their legs, which results in distorted sleep. 

CBD may help them because of its nerve-calming and pain-relieving properties. There are many anecdotal reports from people suffering from restless leg syndrome, who saw an improvement in their sleep routine after using CBD products. 

PTSD Induces Nightmares 

PTSD patients often suffer from traumatic memories and nightmares at night. Some studies have shown that CBD can improve sleep quality for those with PTSD by decreasing overall hyperarousal, fear memory processing, and the effects of trauma exposure. Though more concrete research is required, the initial results are quite promising. 

Are There Any Side Effects Of Using CBD For Sleep?

Generally, CBD doesn’t have any severe side effects, and being a natural compound, it works well with your body. Max to max, you might feel a slight dehydration, so make sure to increase your water intake when you start to take CBD gummies before bed. 

Some people might feel a bit dizzy and have a surge in appetite, but that’s quite normal, and with time, your body will adjust to it. As long as you stick to high-quality CBD products, a good diet, and some daily exercise, your sleep and recovery will keep getting better. 

It’s always recommended to make sure to start with a low dose, say 1 gummy per day so that your body can get used to the new compound. Then observe the effects for some time, and increase or decrease the dosage accordingly. 

The Final Note

To sum it up, yes! Cannabidiol is a safe and effective sleep aid. Though we still need more research in this field, the initial trials have shown that CBD gummies can help you sleep better by reducing your anxiety, stress, and pain levels. 

It effectively works with the body’s natural sleep-inducing system and is a natural and healthy alternative to chemical-ridden prescription sleep medications. CBD is also helpful in improving sleep quality for people suffering from severe conditions like insomnia and PTSD, and it may also reduce nightmares. 

If you are someone with a hectic schedule and poor sleep hygiene, taking a CBD gummy or a few drops of CBD oils before bed may help you sleep much better. Make sure to buy CBD from reputed brands like Colorado Botanicals, which offers only organic and well-tested CBD products.


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