Karma Koala Podcast 150: Daniel Rathner Founder of Indicated Legal (Melbourne) Australia. Medical Cannabis How It All Works Down Under & “I Don’t See Adult Use In Australia At Least In Next 5 Years”


In our 150th episode we speak to Daniel Rathner the founder and lead at Indicated Legal in Melbourne.

Daniel is one of a handful of lawyers in Australia who services the cannabis sector and as we discuss, in Australia that means medical cannabis.

We discuss amongst other things.

(i) How medical cannabis works for suppliers from overseas

(ii) How and who prescribes in Australia

(iii) Who are the regulatory bodies responsible in Australia at Federal & State level

(iv) Why Australia produces so little homegrown medicine

(v) What to look out for in the regulatory set up

(vi) Why is Adult Use legislation so far away

and more in 30 minutes of conversation

Daniel Rathner


Your End-to-End Legal Solution in the Medicinal Cannabis and Hemp Industry

With experience in regulatory and compliance, corporate, commercial and finance, Indicated Legal can assist you to navigate from entry to market through to business operations

Our industry partners include specialist consultants, agronomists and horticulturalists to provide a comprehensive solution to your legal and business needs


Dan focuses on providing advice in a form that is easy to understand and implement.

Commercially minded, Dan aims to understand your business and your goals and to provide advice that helps you to make big picture decisions and  achieve results.

The Medicinal Cannabis and Hemp Industry is highly regulated and can be difficult to navigate.

Indicated Legal can provide advice on regulatory and compliance matters, including the Good Agricultural and Collection Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices, Therapeutic Goods Administration and import and export matters.

Indicated Legal can assist with preparing and managing licence and permit applications with the Office of Drug Control, including:

  • Standard Operating Procedures

  • Security Measures

  • Supply Arrangements

  • Freight and Destruction Arrangements

  • Water and Electricity Arrangements

  • Financing Arrangements

  • Internal Operating Policies 

Indicated Legal can also assist with import or export licencing, including:

  • State Poisons and Scheduled Substances Permits

  • Import and Export Licences and Permits under the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 (Cth)

  • Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment biosecurity clearances

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