Law360 publishes article with headline, “Psychedelic Law Community Copes With Industry Ego Death”

As usual i can’t tell you what the the article actually says as it’s behind the Lexis paywall but I’d suggest having spoken to plenty of the solo practitioners over the past 12 months that the article purports to relate to in its introduction; these people are actually the last individuals with an ego that thought that this “psychedelic market” was going to be some huge money making exercise per the big law culture that Lexis and Law360 are entwined together in.

In actual fact that’s the last thing they are interested in, as two podcasts i conducted in the last week with Taylor Loyden, Terrapin law and Karina Bashir of Antithesis law testify .

* Both conversations will be available via the Karma Koala Podcast available via Spotify, Apple, Amazon & You Tube by the end of the weekend (22 Feb 2025)

Both lawyers said … thankyou very much, actually we are quite busy talking about ESG, ethics, constitutional law, indigenous and religious rights and a whole range of other intreresting topics.

I really do wish Law360 would just stick with what they know, corporate law and all that stuff and do some serious work before putting their Lexis gloss on something they don’t really comprehend.

Headline is meant to be clever but just comes across as ill-informed.

Rachel appears to be a smart person according to her Linked In and I’m sure economics demand she works for Lexis, let’s hope she can escape the cage and get back to something more rewarding than headlines for corporate lawyers who want to giggle at lawyers that are actually doing something important.

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