LCB Board Action: Expedited Rulemaking – Changing State WAC Language to Gender Inclusive Language – Public Comment Period Open

Sept. 10, 2024

LCB Board Action: Expedited Rulemaking – Changing State WAC Language to Gender Inclusive Language – Public Comment Period Open

On Aug. 28, 2024, during a regularly scheduled meeting, the Liquor and Cannabis Board took the following action related to general rulemaking:

Approved filing for expedited rulemaking (CR-105) to update the rule language of Title 314 WAC to include gender-inclusive pronouns. The proposed changes are technical and do not change the meaning of the rules.

The public has until 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 19, 2024 to submit written objections on the expedited rulemaking proposal. If you have questions, please contact Jeff Kildahl, Rules Coordinator by email at: [email protected] or by phone at: 360-480-7960.

You can also send questions and comments about this rulemaking by emailing [email protected].

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