On August 3, 2022, during a regularly scheduled meeting, the Liquor and Cannabis Board took the following action:
Proposed rules filed – public comment period now open:
Approved proposed rulemaking (CR 102) regarding amendments to existing rules and a new rule section that would establish the Social Equity in Cannabis program in response to recommendations of the Social Equity in Cannabis Task Force, and other statutory requirements.
The proposal creates a regulatory framework for the distribution of licenses that are currently available from cannabis retailer licenses that have been subject to forfeiture, revocation, or cancellation by the Board, or cannabis retailer licenses that were not previously issued by the Board, but could have been issued without exceeding the limit on the statewide number of cannabis retailer licenses established by the Board before January 1, 2020.
The proposal also changes the word “marijuana” to “cannabis” throughout the rule sections to implement Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1210, Chapter 16, Laws of 2022.
- Memorandum
- CR-102 filed as WSR 22-16-119 on August 3, 2022
The public hearing on this rule proposal will be held during the regularly scheduled Board meeting on September 14, 2022 at 10AM.