Life Imitates Art! Elton John impersonator arrested with £100,000 worth of cocaine acquitted by Jury

The Oxford Mail

A part-time magician and singer whose Elton John tribute act reportedly featured on TV show Come Dine With Me has been cleared of supplying a £100,000 block of cocaine.

Jurors took less than three hours to find Scot singer Colin Lowe not guilty of possession with intent to supply the block of class A drugs found inside a ‘stage light’ box.

The cocaine, worth an estimated £25,000 wholesale and £100,000 on the street, and cutting agent benzocaine were found when Oxfordshire police pulled over the 57-year-old’s Mercedes on the A34 on February 13. Lowe was on his way from Scotland to Bournemouth to see his son and perform Valentines gigs.

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