Manzuri Law: Licensing panel on March 10, 2022


We apply our entirely subjective  bong score to each event

1 Don’t Bother Unless You Need A Well Deserved Sleep

2 You Might Learn Something But We Hope You Didn’t Pay For It

3 This is really something, interesting presenters, well worth the money, and i actually will learn something



Manzuri Law is hosting a licensing panel on March 10, 2022. Join us via Zoom at 12:30 p.m. PST!

March is Women’s History Month, and we are celebrating by hosting a FREE licensing panel featuring three of our licensing experts who are all successful, self made, working moms, blazing a trail in the cannabis industry for many years! Join us as we discuss upcoming Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) deadlines for provisional licenses, recent licensing updates from the Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) for the City of Los Angeles, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and more. The panel will also include a Q&A session, so start thinking about any questions you may have for our team. Feel free to DM your questions to us on Instagram (@420attorneys) ahead of the event. Questions received prior to the panel will be answered first.

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