Marijuana Revenue Would Be Stripped From Seattle-Area Sheriff’s Department Under New Budget Proposal

Washington State’s most populous county will consider shifting $4.6 million in marijuana tax revenue away from the sheriff’s department under a new budget proposal unveiled this week. Reports Marijuana Moment

King County Executive Dow Constantine (D) officially released the plan Tuesday as part of his proposed budget for the next two years. He said the funds would be reallocated to helping people vacate past cannabis convictions, clear fines and court fees and pay for community programs such as youth marijuana prevention.

“As my proposed budget took shape, our anti-racism priorities and criminal legal system transformation coalesced around three principles: Divest, invest, and re-imagine,” Constantine said in the budget announcement. “By divest, I mean stopping current practices that cause harm and diverting the savings to serve a greater good.”

Full report

Marijuana Revenue Would Be Stripped From Seattle-Area Sheriff’s Department Under New Budget Proposal


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