Martha’s Vineyard.. Only Grow Facility Closing Down.. Updike Types Will Run Out Of Cannabis


Martha’s Vineyard is an idyllic island off Massachusetts’s coast, renowned for its picturesque landscapes, charming small towns, and vibrant cultural scene. However, it will soon have no legal marijuana. Despite being in Massachusetts, where weed is legal for adults, Martha’s Vineyard is also an island, which creates a unique problem.

From The Boston Herald:

Marijuana production, possession, and consumption is legal for adults living on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, just as it’s legal for anyone over the age of 21 standing anywhere else in Massachusetts.

However, the federal government still considers marijuana a Schedule I controlled substance, which as far as they’re concerned makes it as bad as heroin or LSD. That distinction means moving any amount of pot from the mainland to the island and across U.S. controlled waters is a crime.That also means all of the cannabis sold and consumed on the Vineyard must be grown and tested according to state standards without crossing Buzzards Bay or Vineyard Sound. Real estate prices being what they are on Martha’s Vineyard, only a single growing facility – Fine Fettle – has opened on the island since marijuana became legal in Massachusetts

Fine Fettle has announced that they are shutting down, which will leave the island’s 15,000 residents and countless tourists without access to legal weed. In a meeting of Massachusett’s Cannabis Control Commission held on the island, residents voiced their concerns.

Some speakers warned that black-market marijuana has continued to be an issue on the island, due to the small number of dispensaries and short supplies, with some illicit weed testing positive for fentanyl contamination.

The meeting ended with no action being taken by the commission to address the problem, which surely will not lead to more black market or dangerous weed on the island. The DEA is currently considering the reclassification of marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III, but the process is still in its early stages and the outcome if far from certain.

via the Cannabist

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