Celeb Stoner reports that MassCann chair Samson Racioppi resigned from the board during an emergency meeting on July 1. He recently organized an anti-Black Lives Matter rally in Boston.
NORML has also suspended the chapter until it shows a “clear opposition to bigotry.”
Here’s the story in full
MassCann organizes the Boston Freedom Rally each September in Boston Common.
On June 27, Racioppi (prounounced “Ra-shop-ee”) spoke at a “Restore Sanity” rally in Boston that supported the police with Blue Lives Matter signs (watch clip below). “No people on this side believe that black lives don’t matter,” he said at the rally where protestors faced off.
“We believe that all lives matter,” Racioppi told the crowd. “We believe in the rule of law. What you want is to destroy the rule of law. You think this is a Marxist revolution. It’s not going to happen. You will not succeed. We don’t support all law enforcement. We support good law enforcement. We believe when bad things happen to good people the law has to take control.”
Racioppi is also as “grassroots organizer” of the organization Super Big Happy Fun, which promotes the Straight Pride Parade in Boston.
“Super Happy Fun America is committed to creating spaces for people of all identities to embrace the vibrancy of the straight community,” the website states. “We believe that true diversity is only possible when people of all sexual orientations are free to celebrate their lifestyles.”
He’s described on the site as follows:
“Samson mobilizes the masses to boldly take a stand for marginalized communities including straights. It is his opinion that through hard work and determination, a Super Happy Fun America can be achieved in his lifetime!”
Racioppi had been previously removed from the MassCann board for his involvement with the Straight Pride Parade, but was voted back on.
At the emergency meeting, Zoomed on Facebook Live, Racioppi was charged with harming the organization by allowing Nazis to appear with him at the Restore Sanity rally. He defended that by saying he couldn’t stop them from being there. But most of the board members were fed up with Racioppi and the problems he brought to the group. Upon a second request, he agreed to resign.
Racioppi had an ally in Bill Flynn, MassCann’s embattled president, who received a vote of no confidence from the board for bullying behavoir and dictatorial leadership. His effort to kabosh Black Lives Matter from being part of the Educational Village program at the September 19 Freedom Rally, if it takes place, was counter-productive, several board members complained. Plus, Flynn attempted to prevent the July 1 meeting from taking place. Now, it’s up to the membership (about 100 people) to vote him out.
MassCann has work to do. With Racioppi jettisoned and Flynn likely to follow, they should be replaced with people of color. Currently, the seven-person board is white.
Source: https://www.celebstoner.com/news/marijuana-news/2020/07/01/samson-racioppi-masscan-norml/