Media Report Reveals German Govt Received Just Over 13 Million Euros Tax Revenue For Medicianl Cannabis In 2018

The full media report dated 30 August 2019 can be found at

Medizinisches Cannabis bringt dem Staat Millionen

This is what leafly say..13.3 million tax revenues through cannabis as medicine

According to a media report  , the German government took almost 13.3 million euros in tax revenues with medicinal cannabis in 2018. These data are based on an extrapolation of the top pharmacist association. In total, 83 million euros were grossed last year with cannabis medicines. 

Extrapolation of the top pharmacist association

The FDP member of parliament Markus Herbrand had inquired with the Ministry of Finance, in order to receive from there sales figures to medical cannabis. However, since he did not get any precise information from this point, the politician asked the top association of pharmacists to give it an extrapolation.

“The need for medical cannabis is increasing and increasing. This pleases the treasury, of course, because the treasury is ringing, “said Herbrand opposite the mirror.

Markus Herbrand is a graduate in financial economics and tax consultant.

In 2019, more tax revenue expected by medical cannabis

For this year, the Pharmacists Association expects even higher tax revenues. By the end of June, according to calculations, Germany has already imported cannabis medicines for about 52 million euros. At the end of 2020, cannabis from German cultivation should be available for patients. ( reported. )

Economic factor cannabis

Cannabis is an economic factor with great potential, as evidenced by the amendment to the law that regulates the use of cannabis as medicine. If Germany were to legalize cannabis for recreational use as well, the state could take in two and a half billion euros in taxes annually. This was explained by the Düsseldorf economist Justus Haucap in an interview with Deutschlandlandfunk Kultur. ( reported .)

On the one hand, this calculation is based on real tax receipts that the state can not yet collect. Since cannabis is illegal, the taxman can not tax it either. The second part is costs “which are unnecessary because many investigations are opened and closed, thus causing administrative burdens on the police, prosecutors and courts without any purpose being achieved. That’s about one billion euros again, “says Justus Haucap.

Haucamp has created his study on behalf of the German Hemp Association. The numbers are relatively conservative, according to the scientist.


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