Milan City Council votes for cannabis legalization

Milano Today writes

Cannabis, Milan City Council votes for legalization

The Council has asked the mayor and the junta to take action with the Parliament to support the approval of a law on the legalization of the production and consumption of marijuana. Lega wants to do the hair test for all the councilors and the brawl breaks out.

The City Council of Milan voted in favor of the ‘legalization’ of cannabis. The decision came at the end of a very heated session where on the one hand the League and on the other the majority did not spare themselves. 

The agenda of Monday 14 February, which has Filippo Barberis (Pd) as the first signatory, – passed with the yes of the center-left majority and not only – provides that the mayor Beppe Sala and his council will take action with the Parliament to support the approval of a law on the legalization of the production and consumption of marijuana and its derivatives.


Legal cannabis: the discussion in the classroom in Milan

During the discussion in the Chamber, the Councilor of the League Deborah Giovanati said that “the message of the trivialization of cannabis use must not go through”, and asked her colleagues to take the hair test. “If this illiberal amendment passes, I will light up a joint in front of Palazzo Marino and I will give you a lock of hair”, the response of Daniele Nahum, councilor of the Democratic Party and one of the signatories of the proposal.

“This is an institutional classroom and here we do serious things – said the councilor of the Greens, Carlo Monguzzi, addressing Giovanati – the hair test whoever wants to do it where he wants, not here”. The liberal wing of Forza Italia proved to be in favor of the agenda, not without some criticism. Fi’s leader Alessandro De Chirico voted on the motion of the center-left, even if “it is written in a confusing way”, given that “talking about recreational and therapeutic cannabis in the same proposal is belittling for those who, for various pathologies, have to buy products in pharmacies or on the black market “.

There is no doubt that the legalization of cannabis would lead to the emergence of a whole series of behaviors very widespread in the Italian population from illegality, as well as the cancellation of the “rebellion” effect. Both of these factors, as shown by the data received from countries where legalization has already taken place, very often lead to a reduction in the use of cannabis among young people. Furthermore, by legalizing the production of cannabis, the raw materials necessary for the production of cannabinoid-based medicines would be made available, without having to resort, as is the case today, to imports from abroad.


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