Minn: White Earth man charged with felony cannabis possession for selling without a license

MAHNOMEN, Minn. (Minnesota Reformer) – A White Earth tribal member who sold marijuana without a license has been charged with a felony for illegal cannabis possession by the Mahnomen County attorney, launching the first test of the state’s authority to prosecute marijuana crimes on tribal land post-legalization.

Todd Thompson began selling cannabis with four other tribal members from his store, Asema Tobacco and Pipe on Aug. 1 — the day recreational cannabis became legal in Minnesota.

Thompson says the tribe’s effective monopoly on legal cannabis sales at the moment — neither the state nor the tribe has issued sale permits — is holding back regular tribal citizens from a valuable economic opportunity.

“I’m going to fight it,” Thompson said in an interview. “It’s why I did this stuff.”

Thompson and his partners didn’t try to hide what they were doing: Thompson posted a video on Facebook showing large jars of marijuana flower for sale, inviting people to come to his store in Mahnomen.

The next day, Mahnomen County sheriff’s deputies and White Earth tribal police raided his store after seeing the video; an undercover agent purchased cannabis at the store. Authorities seized about 7.5 lbs of cannabis, 433 grams of marijuana wax and $2,748 in cash along with Thompson’s cell phone and surveillance system, according to the charging document.

The felony charge, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine, was filed by Mahnomen County Attorney’s Office in April, more than eight months after the raid. Mahnomen Interim County Attorney Jason Hastings didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Source:  https://kfgo.com/2024/05/08/white-earth-man-charged-with-felony-cannabis-possession-for-selling-without-a-license/

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