Minnesota Set to Expunge 60k Cannabis-Related Misdemeanors by May


Minnesota is set to expunge more than 60,000 misdemeanor cannabis-related criminal records by May, which is ahead of the initial August timeline, the Star-Tribune reports, citing data from the state Bureau of Criminal Records. The expungements are required under the state’s adult-use cannabis law passed last year and the Minnesota Judicial Branch has until May 13 to object to the action. 

A separate Cannabis Expungement Board has also been established to review cannabis-related felonies on a case-by-case basis. In an interview with the Star-Tribune Jim Rowader, executive director of the board, noted that “Black and Brown communities across the country tend to have been arrested at three to four times the rate for cannabis-related crimes” and that the criminal reforms could have “a very significant equitable impact.”  



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