Mumbai: Australian lobbying to legalise cannabis in India arrested at Mumbai’s Hawaiian Shack restaurant on LSD importation & distribution charges

The Anti Narcotics Cell (ANC) of Mumbai Police crime branch reportedly received information that a man would receive a large quantity of LSD in Bandra West on Friday and laid a trap outside the popular pub, Hawaiian Shack.

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The Indian Express reports

An Australian national working to legalise the medical use of cannabis in India was arrested by the Mumbai Police outside a posh pub Friday for alleged possession of LSD worth Rs 1.8 crore. The accused, Dr Reza Borhani, 50, runs a firm, Cannabis Health and Sciences Pvt Ltd, which has been pushing for legalisation of cannabis for medicinal use.

The Anti Narcotics Cell (ANC) of Mumbai Police crime branch reportedly received information that a man would receive a large quantity of LSD in Bandra West on Friday and laid a trap outside the popular pub, Hawaiian Shack. An ANC official claimed that an unidentified individual handed over the LSD paper, weighing 39.1 grams and containing 1,551 dots of the potent party drug, to Borhani. Police have valued the drugs at Rs 1.8 crore.

“The accused received the LSD from an associate, who flew to Mumbai from Europe with the drug. We are tracking down the supplier,” said the official. The police said they are investigating how long Borhani has been procuring LSD.

ANC officials have claimed that Borhani supplies the drug to rich and influential residents in Mumbai’s western suburbs. Shivdeep Lande, Deputy Commissioner of Police (ANC), said Borhani was produced in court Saturday and remanded to police custody till November 27.

Norhani is married to Guwahati-based model Tora Khasgir, who won the Best Asian Model award in 2002. She runs the Tora Khasgir Fashion Foundation in Ulubari in Guwahati to groom young aspiring models in Northeast India. The foundation is registered at the same address as her husband’s Cannabis Health and Sciences, which was incorporated in April this year and of which they are the sole partners. Khasgir could not be reached for a comment.

According to its website, the firm aims to “lead the way for the future of medical cannabis use in India, from plantation, extraction, laboratory testing and analysis, scientific research, formulation to international export of its products. As the pioneers in India, we will set the bench-mark in terms of quality and service for others to follow.”

Apart from Borhani, the firm has Goa-based consultant geriatrician, preventive cardiologist and anti-ageing specialist Dr Lenny da Costa and Mumbai-based radiologist Dr Sona Pungavkar as its consultants.

When contacted, Dr da Costa said that Borhani’s arrest was shocking and upsetting. He claimed to have met Borhani only twice over the past year and agreed to come aboard as a consultant on the project on a purely scientific basis. “I came into contact with Borhani a year ago when I was providing alternative cardiac care to his mother-in-law. He also sought me out due to my work in anti-ageing,” he said.

Dr da Costa added that Borhani came across as a “very nice guy”, who cared deeply to provide cannabis-based pain alleviation to Indian patients.

“I was told that he met certain state governments to persuade them to consider using cannabis for cancer treatment. But I had advised him that the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) is already conducting studies in that field, and until the ICMR comes out with its findings, governments would not approve of his proposals,” he said.

Dr da Costa added that Borhani’s efforts are yet to bear any fruit. “I cannot be associated with such a person now,” he said.

Mumbai: Australian lobbying to legalise cannabis in India arrested with LSD worth Rs 1.8 crore


Also see


Here’s an article Borhani recently published on 5 November 2019

Cannabis – A new beginning Dr Reza Borhani *

Shopping List for Shivaratri at Singjamei Thong, Imphal :: 05th March 2019
Shopping List for Shivaratri at Singjamei Thong, Imphal on 05th March 2019 :: Pix – Shankar Khangembam

Ancient Indian culture and modern pop culture don’t always mix. However, the unlikely thing that unites them both, surprisingly, is Cannabis. Be it in modern films or the ancient Vedic scriptures, Cannabis has consistently remained an integral part of Indian culture.

Probably the greatest proof of this is the fact that Shiva, one of the principal deities of Hinduism, is known as the Lord of Bhang.

According to legend, Lord Shiva had an intense argument with his family and stormed off into a field to clear his head. Exhausted from the fight and the heat, Shiva eventually fell asleep in this field. When he awoke, he noticed the plant and decided to sample its leaves which instantly rejuvenated him. Extremely delighted with its effects, he began using Cannabis regularly.

Even in Ayurveda, India’s traditional holistic approach to wellness, Cannabis has been touted as the crown jewel for treatments to several ailments. According to the Vedas, which are estimated to have been compiled as early as 2000 to 1400 B.C., Cannabis was one of five sacred plants gifted to humankind and was considered a source of happiness, joy, and liberation.

In India, Cannabis is most commonly consumed in the form of Bhang, a drink made up of various nuts and spices which are then combined with Cannabis and boiled with milk or yogurt.

Other forms include Ganja which is made from the flowers and upper leaves of the female plant and the extremely potent Charas which is similar in strength to Hashish and contains a lot of resin. The usage of this plant is as diverse as its preparations.

Ancient warriors used it to fight fear, labourers have been using it to fight fatigue, while ascetics use it as a vehicle to achieve enlightenment and divinity.

This practice carries on in the present day with Bhang being available in several government licensed shops thanks to its special legal status. While usage of other forms of the plant are banned, many continue using it on a recreational basis or to de-stress from the hectic modern life.

Recognizing the historical and medicinal importance of this plant, scientists and doctors around the world, including our team at Cannabis Health and Sciences (CHS), have performed extensive research into the properties of this legendary plant and the results are astounding.

It is almost unbelievable how one plant can help treat various physical and mental ailments like Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, HIV, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, eating disorders, muscle spasms, pain, PTSD, Schizophrenia and even anxiety to just name a few. In fact, trying to list every benefit of this miraculous plant far exceeds the scope of this article.

It is unfortunate that these virtues have been kept out of the reach of the common people for so long due to its legal status. Given our nation’s history with Cannabis, it is our duty to share the knowledge we’ve always had, with the rest of humanity. This also begs the question that, if Lord Shiva in his infinite wisdom consumed this blessed plant, then who are we as mortals to contradict his divine insight?

And if the opinion of a God is not enough, modern scientific research now has strong evidence to back these claims.

It is thanks to these medical breakthroughs, the long disputed illegal status of the plant in several countries, including India, is finally on a path to change. This reform will revolutionize modern healthcare as we know it and Cannabis Health And Sciences (CHS) ( plans to lead this movement.

Our team of medical experts has been developing several treatments using the extracts of this remarkable herb and we hope to present them to India and the rest of the world over the course of the next few months.

* Dr Reza Borhani wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The writer is a founder & president of Cannabis Health and Sciences Pvt Ltd.
This article was webcasted on November 05 , 2019.



Dr Borhani has already had a run in with the Indian authorities over a decade ago when he failed to submit a registration certificate from the Registrar of Companies for the firm he was employed with at the time

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