My latest practice news.. ramping up my mediation/arbitration practice, where i’m speaking & what podcasts i’ve recently been on


  • I am ramping up my Mediation/Arbitration practice.  If you or someone you know has a dispute, a neutral third-party mediator can help put the problem behind you and avoid or end nasty and expensive litigation.  See my site for Anodyne ADR:    I have special expertise in cannabis law, and a unique history of trying many different types of cases over nearly 25 years, so if a knowledgeable neutral is needed to set expectations in a cannabis related dispute here or in another state, I’m your gal.
  • For my Pittman Legal site, if you are willing to share a testimonial or a google review, I would appreciate it, along with your referrals as always.
  • New Mexico property alert:  A beautiful New Mexico property with 6 acres, water rights and a well, and a home is set up for indoor and outdoor cannabis grow in Abiquiu, NM and is available for $1.2M.  If you are interested, let me know and I’ll forward you the deck about it.  Picture attached.
  • If you or anyone you know is interested in Mississippi or Alabama cannabis, let me know. I’ll be speaking in Jackson, MS on Oct. 7.
  • Texas cannabis:  there could be movement coming soon.  Finally.  Contact me to learn more.
  • A couple of recent scenarios lead me to make some recommendations:
    • Employees:  Have a liability release for injuries etc. in your employment contracts.
    • Product labels:  I wrote a paper about lawsuits against CBD Companies (attached). Attorneys are testing products solely to bring lawsuits about mislabeling, such as, x product did not have the exact amount of CBD claimed. Because these products are so variable, there are going to be differences, so you need to be careful about the representations made on labels.  A big one is to NOT represent the product is THC free in the event there is a trace amount that causes someone to fail an employment drug test.  I have other recommendations for terms/conditions on warnings, representations, legality, and disclaimers to help me get such a case against you dismissed.
    • Insurance:  A few losses have occurred that were unnecessary.  I can help you acquire the insurance coverage you need to protect your business.  Just let me know.  I’m attaching a paper I wrote on insurance coverage detailing how complicated these policies are, but, they do exist.


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