Lisa’a List : My September / Oct 2022 Updates & Newsletter – Now Published


Happy Fall Friday, Friends!

First announcement:  

DSHS taking public comment on rule banning smokable hemp manufacture – ends Oct. 5!

Contact me right away if smokables are a significant part of your business. 

Oklahoma Dispensary, dispensary/grow/processor licenses, 2 acres of real estate for sale for $5M.  New business making 30K/mo. See

  • I will be speaking on marijuana legalization in Jackson, Mississippi Oct. 7 at Lucky Leaf.
  • I will be speaking on employment issues in cannabis legalization virtually on Oct. 11 with a cannabis executive roundtable.

Texas is making movements.  I’ll know more after next week.

My recent podcasts: (general); (cannabis insurance coverage); Latte with a Lawyer (lots o politics):

Press (an old quote used): (drought’s effect on Texas hemp).

I am now a founding member of the Psychedelic Bar Association.

I’ve put together a cannabis consulting business called Southern High Points:

I’ve started a mediation/arbitration practice:

Still accepting google reviews and website testimonials 

Now onto the news!



DSHS taking public comment on rule banning smokable hemp manufacture – ends Oct. 5!


CBD for autism – case study:

CBD for arthritis and joint pain:

Cannabinoids to treat Lung cancer: so far have shown that smoking marijuana does not lead to increased lung cancer risk like smoking cigarettes, and that it appears to have a “protective effect” despite the fact that the smoke still has some carcinogens (though nothing like cigarettes).

Article on Texas industrial hemp farm:

Article on drought’s effect on hemp in Texas:

Kight on THCA:

Minnesota marijuana company sues state to be able to sell THC edibles like hemp companies:

Hemp approved for building codes for hempcrete:

CBD for social anxiety:

USA Today on delta 8 side effects:

CBD for bioplastic materials for medical implants/prothesis:


Texas Speaker of the House favors reduced penalties:

San Marcos efforts to vote on decriminalization:

Houston medical marijuana store front opens:

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) blocks bipartisan cannabis research bill:

Texas Border Patrol buys Orange breathalyzer:

NM has a $40M month:

Rhode Island legalizes for adult use and bars disciplinary action for off duty cannabis use like DC, NJ & NY:

Nevada upholds termination of employee for off duty marijuana use:

Las Vegas consumption lounges opening late fall:

Nevada judge rules marijuana can’t be on Schedule 1 of NV CSA:

Florida Judge suggests lawsuits are necessary to combat FL’s delay in issuing medical licenses:

Montana continues record month over month adult use sales:

Alabama businesses applying for licenses:

Alabama: 200 applicants in first 6 days:

Alabama licenses close in October:

Alabama cities supportive in passing measures to allow dispensaries:

Mississippi holds seminar for medical marijuana patients:

Mississippi’s medical marijuana program:

Mississippi’s first cultivation:

Mississippi makes $6M in license fees:

Oklahoma legalization ballot initiative challenged:

Oklahoma ballot challenge successful.  No vote in Nov.

Oklahoma frustrations with Metrc:

Louisiana creates medical marijuana task force:

New Orleans, current murder capital, no longer disqualifying police recruits for admitting to marijuana use:

High profile applicants compete for NOLA dispensary:

Georgia awards two medical marijuana cultivation licenses:

Colorado’s market gutted with more legal states:  sales at lowest point since legalization:

Marijuana card holding doctor denied gun purchase – guns and marijuana are not allowed to go together in any state except for OK:

University of Kentucky establishes medical cannabis research center:

Politico: ¾ Republicans oppose federal interference with state legal cannabis:

Mike Tyson having trouble rolling out his bitten ear shaped edibles (“Mike Bites”):

Bill introduced to allow small companies to ship direct to consumers after federal legalization:

Medical marijuana helps adults with autism:

Big MSOs owe $508,000,000 in federal taxes:

Do pharmaceutical companies lose money when a state legalizes weed?

Ricky Williams’ Highsman brand:

Linkedin includes 3 marijuana companies in its top 50 Startups of 2022 (spoiler: they are tech companies):

Marijuana legalization leads to lower opioid use:

Safe Harbor, leading marijuana banker in CO, acquired and now publicly traded:

Still nothing from Biden:

Free webinar on Latin American cannabis:

Politico explains why cannabis companies can’t make money:

Steve D’Angelo calls for the toppling of corporate cannabis:


San Francisco moves to decriminalize possession of psychedelics:

Georgia considering funding PTSD study at Emory University:

Oregon: draft rules for psychedelics:

Increased funding for university studies:

CNN on ketamine:

Psychology Today on getting involved in the scene:

Algeron receives approval for DMT stroke study:

Harvard on microdosing science:

Mushroom dispensary in Florida:

Podcast discussing benefits and risks of psychedelics by Johns Hopkins professor:

The Economist says psychedelics are coming to the medicine cabinet:

A look inside a Vancouver psychedelics dispensary – micro dose shooters!

American Psychiatric Association releases position statement on psychedelics and empathogenic agents:

Study on mushrooms for anorexia:

Study on microdosing:

Psychedelics for chronic pain, migraines, and phantom limb pain:

The unregulated psychedelics market:

Psychiatry and psychedelics:

Transdermal patch being developed for DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and mescaline:

Legal fight with DEA for Right to Try access:

Right to Try law signed by Trump:

Fortune mag on development of psychedelic treatments:

Discussion on how psychedelics affects the brain:

These are news stories for general information purposes only, and not legal advice.

Contact me if you want to see how any of the above affects you or your business plans.


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