Naples: Police Arrest Man Hiding In Pigeon Loft For Drugs Offences

Peculiarly Italian story.

As always the weights are miniscule.. bottom end feeders suffer the slings and arrows of law and order whilst somewhere out there the big wigs continue on

The extraordinary services prepared by the Naples Police Headquarters to combat the phenomena of illegal possession of weapons and drug trafficking continue. Last night, the State Police arrested a 34-year-old from Nola and a 57-year-old from Liveri, both with prior police records, for illegal possession of narcotics. In particular, the officers from the Nola Police Station, as part of the services prepared for this purpose, noticed two subjects conversing suspiciously near the entrance of a building in Piazza Sant’Antonio Abate in Nola. One of them, later identified as the 34-year-old, upon noticing the presence of the officers, handed the other subject, later identified as the 57-year-old, a precision scale, a package, and a mobile phone before both retreated to different locations within the building. The police promptly intervened and reached the 34-year-old, finding him in possession of 1,290 euros, divided into banknotes of various denominations, while, well hidden behind a freezer in the entrance, the officers found a backpack containing two metal containers with cocaine, 14 already packaged envelopes of the same substance, six mobile phones, a knife with a 20 cm blade, a cutter with a blade soaked in narcotic substance, three precision scales, and various materials for drug packaging. The 57-year-old, who had meanwhile unsuccessfully tried to take refuge inside an abandoned pigeon loft within the building, was also reached and blocked by the officers while attempting to hide, behind a beam, a metal container containing eight packages of cocaine, a stick of hashish, and a mobile phone. The seized narcotic substance was found to be hashish with a total weight of 18 grams and cocaine of 74 grams.

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