13 April 2017
NCBA Roundtable:
California’s proposed reconciliation bill
April 28, 2017, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm in Los Angeles, California
On April 4th, California moved one step forward towards reconciling some of the conflicts between the Medical Cannabis Regulation & Safety Act and the Adult Use of Marijuana Act. NCBA is hosting a roundtable discussion about this new bill.
Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration released proposed trailer bill legislation that outlines changes to harmonize California’s new adult use marijuana laws with the current framework proposed under MCRSA. MCRSA and AUMA collectively regulated California’s cannabis market but had some stark differences that left attorneys, regulators, and operators wondering how the state would effectively regulate the same commodity in two completely different manners. The two sets of laws include differences in the limits on the size of cultivation sites, the number of licenses businesses could apply for, and different approaches to the supply chain. Gov. Brown has consistently advocated for one regulatory framework in order to avoid duplicating costs and confusing businesses and regulators.
Join NCBA for a brown bag roundtable discussion led by Law Office of Kimberly R. Simms, Clark Neubert LLP, and McAllister Garfield, P.C. about the proposal set forth by the Governor and the impact this will have on advising clients. Bring your thoughts to the table and plan on participating in the conversation.
This event is free. There is no CLE offered for this event. Please provide your own brown bag lunch. Seating is limited; please RSVP immediately using this link. Question? Email info@canbar.org.