New December Study Shows ApelinDX Inhalers Can Be Used In Battle Against COVID

On Tuesday, December 8, 2020, the world learned the results of a study conducted by Dr. Babak Baban and Dr. Jack Yu at Augusta University in Georgia showing that a broad-spectrum cannabidiol metered dose inhaler has been shown to increase Apelin peptide levels in the lungs, helping to reduce COVID/ARDS related lung inflammation, normalize blood oxygen saturation and reverse ARDS-related lung damage.


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AUTHOR: Heather Allman



Thriftmaster Holdings Global


On Tuesday, December 8, 2020, the world learned the results of a study conducted by Dr. Babak Baban and Dr. Jack Yu at Augusta University in Georgia showing that a broad-spectrum cannabidiol metered dose inhaler has been shown to increase Apelin peptide levels in the lungs, helping to reduce COVID/ARDS related lung inflammation, normalize blood oxygen saturation and reverse ARDS-related lung damage.


TM Global Bioscience, LLC, a medically-focused division of ThriftMaster Global Holdings, announced that the patent-pending broad-spectrum CBD formulation in its ApelinDx™ metered dose inhaler may increase survival rates of COVID-19 patients.

ApelinDx is composed solely of FDA-approved components and propellant. Produced in a GMP compliant facility to strict guidelines for quality and purity, the broad-spectrum CBD and proprietary suspension is composed of all-natural ingredients. CBD products are not currently regulated by the FDA.



Dr. Yu and Dr. Baban, are currently conducting clinical safety studies and an expanded range of preclinical efficacy studies of ApelinDx at Augusta University. Human clinical safety study and efficacy study results are expected to be published before the end of the year.


On December 9, 2020, I had the opportunity to talk with the two scientists behind this groundbreaking study. We discussed 2020, the future of therapeutic cannabis use, and the results of their study. 


Cannabis Law Report: Why do you love your work? There are quite a few fast-growing markets currently, so why cannabis?   

As researchers in academic medical centers, we are not so much concerned about markets as we are about the potential to help people with various disease types. What excites us about cannabis is that the many phytocannabinoids it contains may have some very important therapeutic effects and each should be carefully and systematically studied.


CLR: Why specifically do you think ApelinDx Broad-Spectrum CBD Inhaler Study needed to be done? 

We chose to specifically study ApelinDx because early in our studies we explored different CBD delivery methods, including injections, among other methods. We were told that ApelinDx was already involved in clinical research with their inhaler for other disease indications. We started this study because we wanted to test the potential benefits in improving the vascular functions of the heart and lungs.


CLR: Tell me about your year to date, expanding on ApelinDx Broad-Spectrum CBD Inhaler Study.

We have worked extensively on the improvement of immune regulation of CBD since the beginning of the year. We were introduced to ApelinDx in the late summer and have started studying it extensively since then.


CLR: What was your intention initially getting into the medical cannabis space as researchers?   

We have been interested in the anti-neoplastic effects in malignant tumors and anti-inflammatory effects in acute cutaneous wounds. COVID-19 forced the adjustments as our university, like many others, stipulated such. These mid-course adjustments resulted in several interesting and unexpected findings. When faced with this type of results, it is quite natural to write them up and publish them, so that others can know and make use of the findings.


CLR: How do your past professional experiences and successes help you today in the modern cannabis space?  

We have been engaged in immunology research for many decades. The lessons learned in classic innate and adaptive immunity are very important and helpful as we adapt our gained knowledge to fit into the cannabis landscape.


CLR: How do you plan to use what you’ve learned while working and researching ‘ApelinDx Broad-Spectrum CBD Inhaler Study’ to add value to the medical cannabis sphere?  

It is all to better understand the disease processes and to improve people’s life in any possible way, we still have a lot of research and human testing left to do.


CLR: Briefly tell me about your goals in the cannabis industry with this new study and inhaler product. 

We want to find out if the effects of ApelinDx in mice can be translated to humans. We also need to dissect the mechanism of action, that is how does CBD achieve the therapeutic effects.


CLR: What is your foremost goal for ApelinDx Broad-Spectrum CBD Inhaler Study and how do you plan to accomplish this goal?  

We are excited to continue and expand our research to understand and uncover any other potential application for ApelinDx. Of course such research effort will need planning and additional funding.



CLR: What is the “mission statement” of the study and the MDI product, so to speak, if one existed? 

The ultimate goal and mission of our research is to better understand diseases processes and unravel mechanisms by which symptoms of diseases can be prevented or ameliorated in the least invasive way with minimum detrimental side effects.


CLR: What are the top 3 “boxes checked” when you were researching for the ApelinDx Broad-Spectrum CBD Inhaler Study? 

The ApelinDx product is made by Thriftmaster, which has been involved in clinical studies for a long time, and they understand the research process. ApelinDx contains broad-spectrum CBD product manufactured to the strict GMP guidelines and delivers up to 200 consistent doses per inhaler.


CLR: What was the most interesting part of researching and publishing this study? Creating this product? 

Exploring potentials and research. Dr. Baban and I are not cannabis experts, but we understand immunology and see potential benefits to cannabinoids. Our studies with ApelinDx suggest its potential in modulating the immune response to the cytokine storm caused by ARDS in murine model.


CLR: Any unexpected discoveries or insights gained along the way? 

Yes, individual variables exist as well as response in different organ systems. What is good for one may not be so for another. Such system dynamics is complex and fascinating.


CLR: How do authenticity and trust factor into your mission with this study?  the product? 

In science, truth is the ultimate arbiter. Each experiment, each report helps to move us forward. Occasionally, inevitably, we will have to take a step or steps back. But in general, we move forward, guided by evidence and truth.


CLR: What are the biggest challenges in creating a new Cannabis product? 

The legal issues are problematic. The source, the purity, reliability, and the stigmata are also challenging. That is exactly why these studies with ApelinDx are important.


CLR: The biggest challenges to researching and publishing a new cannabis study, especially in the middle of a pandemic? 

The most challenging parts of trying to conduct and publish a cannabis study during a pandemic are being able to find and develop animal models for new diseases, and recruiting human volunteers when appropriate.


CLR: In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges cannabis faces or has faced? 

There are many scientific unknowns, as well as legality issues, as we mentioned already.


CLR: What steps did you take to achieve the study’s verified information for readers of ApelinDx Broad-Spectrum CBD Inhaler Study? 

For accuracy and reliability, repetition and methodical verification of the experimental data are a necessity.


CLR: What medical Cannabis patient demand do you currently see trending, and what behaviors or shifts or patterns did you discover researching the ApelinDx Broad-Spectrum CBD Inhaler Study?  

We are seeing a shift in studying of non-psychoactive cannabinoids. In our studies with ApelinDx, we’ve observed that broad-spectrum CBD offers a reduction in pulmonary inflammation, improved heart function and lung blood vessel resistance in laboratory small animal models.


CLR: Tell me about your vision for the U.S. Cannabis program in the year to come? —in 3 years?

We believe CBD, CBC, the non-psychoactive components will come off Schedule I and be accepted as real medicine within the next 1-3 years.


CLR: How do we get from here to there? 

More safety and efficacy trials.


CLR: What advice can you offer to patients and others, concerning cannabis?  

Make sure the product is indeed what the label says. Be sure that the manufacturer produces products to medical-grade standards and that they provide you with certificates of analysis. Follow the advice of reliable healthcare providers. Read, read and read some more.


CLR: What are your hopes for the study and this new MDI product? 

We hope that we definitive document the positive inotropic effects that we’ve seen so far on the heart, coupled with the observed decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance.


Press Release:

Researchers See Promising Results Reversing COVID-19 / ARDS- Related Lung Damage Using ApelinDx Broad-Spectrum CBD Inhaler


For more information about ApelinDx:

About TM Global Bioscience, LLC:

TM Global Bioscience was founded with a mission of developing effective treatments for critical illnesses based on the natural healing properties of hemp- and cannabis-derived cannabinoids. The company is working closely with leading medical experts to uncover cannabinoid-based treatments for complex disease models.

With ApelinDx™, TM Global Bioscience is the first company to develop an inhaled therapeutic for COVID-19 / ARDS Related composed of broad-spectrum CBD suspended in a specialized, easily-atomized slurry of natural ingredients, delivered in precisely metered doses using an inhaler – patent pending.

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