New Minnesota Lawsuit Argues State Constitution Allows Individuals to Sell Home-Grown Cannabis

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Four people who grow cannabis in Minnesota are suing state cannabis regulators, arguing that a section of the state constitution should allow them to sell the cannabis produced under the state’s cannabis home grow provisions.

Four individuals who cultivate cannabis in Minnesota are suing state cannabis regulators, arguing that the state constitution allows them to sell what they grow without a license, MinnPost reports. The plaintiffs cite Article 13, Section 7 of the Minnesota Constitution, which says: “No license required to peddle. Any person may sell or peddle the products of the farm or garden occupied and cultivated by him without obtaining a license therefor.”

The plaintiffs include four residents who are cultivating cannabis legally under state law – three of whom are medical cannabis patients. Patrick McClellan, a registered medical cannabis patient in the state, contends in the lawsuit that the cost of growing his own cannabis for his medical needs is “significant” and that he should be allowed to sell his excess.


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Minnesota Lawsuit Contends State Constitution Allows Individuals to Sell Home-Grown Cannabis

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