New Zealand: The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party…..why are we running again? Because the issue of cannabis law reform is still unresolved and languishing in ‘prohibition no man’s land’.

Here is their full press release

“No Need To Sell The Family Silver”, Say Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party



And “No need to sell the family silver” say the ALCP.

The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party are running again. (What a surprise) And why are we running again? Because the issue of cannabis law reform is still unresolved and languishing in ‘prohibition no man’s land’. The government carries on as if it is OK to continue to criminalise people for using cannabis while many of them hypocritically admit using cannabis under ‘student licence’. None of the other parties seem prepared to progress this human rights issue forward except for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party. The 1.4 million “YES” voters in the 2020 referendum need representation.

This is our 27th year of articulating our message and policy for cannabis law reform.

To ignore the voice of 1.4 million who voted YES in the cannabis referendum and not pass the non- binding referendum for around 2% deficit is callous, unjust, unscientific, and unfair. We see how legal cannabis is progressing in many countries overseas like Canada, Thailand, Germany, Portugal, Holland etc. and are disappointed with the lack of progress in Aotearoa New Zealand.

In the words of former Prime Minister Helen Clark “Prohibiting the use of something that over 80% of New Zealanders have tried is pretty ridiculous”.

So here we go again. The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party is fielding a total of 16 candidates, 14 in electorates across the motu, from Invercargill to Northland including two Māori electorate’s Tai Tokerau and Te Tai Tonga the largest Maori electorate, where Rebecca Rae Robin is standing.

The List includes co Leader Maki Herbert in Te Tai Tokerau, her 5th time running. Every time Maki’s numbers have increased as people become more informed about the value our policy has to offer. Co Leader Michael Appleby Human Rights advocate and Lawyer shows dedication with his 10th time standing in Wellington Central his home territory. The rest of the team include Michael Britnell for Christchurch Central; Paula Lambert for Christchurch East; Kevin O’ Connell for Invercargill, Irinka Britnell for Ilam; Deputy Leader Jeffrey Lye for Northland; Jeni de Jonge for Whangarei; Christopher Coker for Auckland Central; Blair Anderson for Wigram; Romana (Marnz) Manning for Tuki Tuki; Anntwinette Grumball for Southland; Adrian McDermott for Dunedin and List only candidates Anituhia Mc Donald and Tony Brown.

The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party message this election is – “If you feel betrayed by the way the 2020 cannabis referendum was handled then please vote Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, another chance to fix this broken law.” The ALCP have solutions for the Economy, Employment, the Environment, Social Cohesion, Law and Order, Farmers, Housing, Health, Education, Climate Crisis, and Cost of Living Crisis. The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party has solutions whereby we have no need to sell the ‘family silver’ to rich overseas investors which is unsustainable and will add to inflation, by increasing property prices across the board. The three parts of the cannabis industries: Medicinal; R 18 Recreational; and the sustainable Hemp Industries, plus the savings from prohibition, will generate hundreds of millions in tax revenue per annum. Do the math.


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