Via Business Cann
BULGARIAN firm CBD Seed Europe has secured a place on the European seed register for two of its genetics which it says deliver record levels of cannabidiol.
Whilst most registered CBD seeds on the European Common Catalogue deliver CBD contents of 5% to 6% its newly-registered varieties can reach up to 12% in the field.
The two new registered varieties are know as ‘Midwest’ and ‘Northwest’ will be viable at most latitudes across the continent, says the company.
And, with the EC limits for THC content in hemp seeds set to rise from 0.2% to 0.3% it says it will be able to develop new strains that will raise the CBD level ‘even higher’
€500,000 Investment
Americo Folcarelli, co-founder of CBD Seed Europe, said its success is the result of substantial work and investment.
“We are delighted that after after two years of trials and research – and over €500,000 of investment – we have reached the stage where our two high-CBD seed varieties have been approved for sale in the European Union.
“We believe this opens up a number of unique business opportunities including the exploration of joint ventures with other breeders in order to create new strains specifically designed for the European market.“
CBD Seeds Europe worked closely with the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) to bring forward its new strains.
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