NORML: Maryland: Adult-Use Marijuana Legalization Laws Take Effect Next Week

Legislation permitting adults to possess, home-cultivate, and purchase personal-use quantities of cannabis takes effect on Saturday, July 1st.

Beginning that day, those age 21 or older may legally possess up to 1.5 ounces of cannabis flower and/or 12 grams of cannabis concentrates. Adults may also home-cultivate up to two mature plants in a private residence.

Separate legislation also takes effect that day providing existing, state-licensed medical operators the ability to serve non-patients. The law allows for as many as 300 total cannabis retailers to operate in the state.

“Maryland residents, like the majority of Americans, prefer a policy of cannabis legalization and regulation and they are rightly moving away from the failed policies of criminalization and stigmatization,” NORML’s Deputy Director Paul Armentano said.

Also on July 1st, legislation reducing penalties for the public use of cannabis to a civil fine of either $50 (for a first offense) or $150 (for a subsequent offense) will go into effect. Separate provisions of the law prohibit police officers from searching either a vehicle or a person based solely upon the odor or marijuana.

In November, voters overwhelmingly approved a referendum (Question 4) directing state lawmakers to establish rules and regulations governing the production and sale of cannabis to adults. By approving Question 4, voters also triggered the enactment of separate, complementary legislation (HB 837), which established the new adult-use possession limits.

State lawmakers approved legislation (Senate Bill 516) regulating the adult-use market in May.

Maryland: Adult-Use Marijuana Legalization Laws Take Effect Next Week

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