Massachusetts’ Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) says they need a significant increase in funding to effectively regulate the state’s cannabis industry.
The cannabis industry is booming in Massachusetts. Since 2023, operational licensees have gone up 25%, while the CCC’s funding has increased just 3%.
CCC leadership said that to keep up with cannabis standards testing, licensing, and compensating new hires, they will need $30.8 million, up from their current operating budget of $19.8 million.
“The reality is that these funds are necessary to implement legislative requirements and maintain the safety of the industry,” said the CCC’s new executive director, Travis Ahern.
One testing lab founder explained the importance of funding credible labs, saying that labs with a strong scientific background and integrity ensure that labs cannot purposefully pass cannabis with higher THC to make more money.
“When there’s variability in the results, the producers are shopping for labs that are going to give them results that allow them to sell their products for more,” said Megan Dobro, founder and CEO of SafeTiva Labs.
Testing also ensures cannabis is mold-free and that potency labels are accurate, especially crucial for medicinal cannabis users.
Top budget officials say the state will need to make budget cuts to be able to operate under reduced federal funding, but have not yet announced which industries will definitively be seeing cuts.