Ohio Cannabis Legalization Takes Effect Today


Adults aged 21+ in Ohio can now legally possess, consume, and cultivate cannabis after the majority of state voters last month approved Issue 2, a cannabis legalization ballot proposal.

 Full story after the jump.

Adult-use cannabis is now legal in Ohio after provisions from Issue 2 — the popular legalization proposal approved by voters in early November — took effect today, 30 days after the election. Under the new law, adults aged 21 and older can possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis and/or up to 15 grams of extracts. Additionally, adults can grow up to six cannabis plants at home for personal use.According to the cannabis legalization advocacy group NORML, the shift in Ohio marks the first time since federal prohibition was enacted that a majority of American citizens live somewhere with legal access to cannabis.

About a week after voters opted to legalize, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) called upon the state’s legislature to make changes to the law, such as limiting cannabis advertising and increasing restrictions on public consumption. Republican leadership in the state Senate later considered legislation to remove the ballot proposal’s home grow and other industry protections but the effort failed following backlash from constituents and House lawmakers.

“As a native Ohioan who has been directly impacted by marijuana criminalization and witnessed the unequal and unjust way it is enforced, I am overjoyed that responsible adult cannabis consumers in the Buckeye State will no longer face the lifelong collateral consequences of low-level arrests and convictions. I’m further pleased that our political opponents have, thus far, failed to undermine the spirit of this law — which was approved by 2.2 million voters. It is up to all Ohioans to ensure that lawmakers continue to defer to their constituents and allow the rest of this initiative to take effect as intended under the guidance of regulators, stakeholders, and the citizens of Ohio.” — NORML Political Director Morgan Fox, in a press release

Ohio is the 24th U.S. state to legalize adult-use cannabis

Ohio Cannabis Legalization Takes Effect Today

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