Oklahoma’s GOP Senator Decides To Tangle Cannabis Regulation With Abortion Debate On Floor of The House

Dirty politics at it’s dirtiest or as AC/DC once said .. “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap”  which about sums up his arguments


Republican U.S. Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma took a swipe at his home state’s voter-approved medical marijuana program last week during a speech on the Senate floor opposing abortion rights.

Lankford, who has long opposed both cannabis legalization and abortion access, said that just as he feels Oklahoma’s medical marijuana makes it too easy to obtain cannabis “no matter what” the patient’s medical condition, he believes the Democrat-led Women’s Health Protection Act would make it too easy to get an abortion.

“We’re a state that has medical marijuana laws,” the senator said. “You have to have a medical prescription from a doctor to be able to get it. So you know how you get it? The medical marijuana place actually has a doctor that you can just call that’ll write a script to you that’ll write it for no matter what.”

“You could say, ‘My left toe hurts every other Thursday,’” he continued, “and they would say, ‘Great, that’s a medical condition.’”

Depress yourself further at Marijuana  Moment

U.S. Senator Mocks Home State’s Marijuana Law During Abortion Debate

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