Op-Ed: California AB 2188-Protecting Marijuana Users From Employment Discrimination

San Francisco News

UNITED STATES—Emerging on the frontier of worker rights and marijuana usage, California introduces the innovative Assembly Bill 2188 (AB 2188). Known for its forward-thinking approach to cannabis policy, California pushes new boundaries with this law, radically rethinking the relationship between employers and employees concerning marijuana use. AB 2188’s core objective is to shield employees from workplace discrimination tied to their off-duty marijuana consumption.

The Road to AB 2188: A Deep Dive into California’s Cannabis Legislative Evolution

The origins of AB 2188 stretch back through California’s extensive history of evolving marijuana legislation. This innovative bill, inked by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 18, 2022, signifies the state’s increasing acceptance and regulation of marijuana. Notably, this law comes into effect from January 1, 2024, giving employers substantial time to adapt their current policies and procedures.

The progressive pathway leading to AB 2188 started back in 1996 when Californians endorsed Proposition 215, thus allowing medicinal cannabis usage. A decade later, Proposition 64 legalized recreational marijuana use in 2016. However, Proposition 64 did not prevent employers from enforcing workplace policies related to marijuana use.

AB 2188 bridges this gap. This trailblazing law is crafted to protect the rights of employees by preventing employers from discriminating against their staff based on two primary factors: an employee’s off-duty marijuana use and the results of drug tests that identify the presence of non-psychoactive cannabis metabolites in their bodies.

AB 2188’s Specifics: Understanding its Exceptions and Exclusions

AB 2188 is an intricate piece of legislation that recognizes the necessity to strike a balance between broad applicability and essential exclusions. The law clearly outlines exceptions necessary to uphold the integrity of specific job roles and sectors.

Primarily, it excludes workers in the “building and construction trades.” Given the high-risk nature and inherent safety concerns of these industries, maintaining strict sobriety is crucial. Thus, allowing off-duty cannabis use could endanger both the user and others at the workplace, so these sectors are exempt from AB 2188’s protective scope.

The second exception pertains to roles requiring federal government security clearances or background checks. This exclusion arises from the need to align with federal laws that might contradict California’s state laws regarding marijuana use. Despite the state’s progressiveness, federal law still classifies marijuana use as illegal, and specific roles require strict adherence to these federal regulations. Meaning for employees, such as commercial truck drivers, marijuana is still considered a controlled substance by the regulatory DOT and is therefore prohibited. As such, employees in these roles are not protected by AB 2188, ensuring a smooth integration of state and federal legal mandates.

Balancing Employee Protection and Workplace Efficiency: Tackling On-the-Job Impairment and Drug Testing

Any discussion of worker rights and protection would be incomplete without addressing on-the-job impairment and drug testing, critical to maintaining a productive, safe working environment. While AB 2188 champions the right to off-duty cannabis use, it firmly stands against on-the-job impairment.

The legislation stipulates that it doesn’t condone an employee being “impaired by” cannabis while working. While this provision is vital in maintaining workplace efficiency and safety, it’s worth noting that the law doesn’t provide a clear definition of ‘impairment.’ This lack of specification could be a source of future disputes and could lead to legal proceedings. This gray area highlights the need for open conversations between employers and employees to clarify what ‘impairment’ implies in their particular work context.

Additionally, AB 2188 doesn’t eradicate drug testing. Employers can continue to screen employees for drugs but with certain conditions. The law states that tests should not exclusively rely on the presence of “nonpsychoactive cannabis metabolites” in the employee’s system. The legislation prohibits discrimination based on detecting non-psychoactive marijuana components in an employee’s body. This provision respects an individual’s right to off-duty cannabis use while ensuring that psychoactive cannabis elements do not influence employees during work hours.

Managing Marijuana at Work: A Delicate Balancing Act

While AB 2188 defends employees’ rights to use cannabis when off-duty, it doesn’t grant them the right to possess marijuana within the workplace. This restriction is a critical measure to prevent the workplace from devolving into spaces of recreational drug use. Consequently, employers retain the right to enforce a drug-free environment within their premises, preserving the sanctity and professionalism of the workplace.

Read full article https://www.thesfnews.com/california-ab-2188-protecting-marijuana-users-from-employment-discrimination/87293

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