Oregon Department of Agriculture Proposes New Hemp Rules – Kim Stuck Comments

Interesting piece in Hemp Grower.. Here’s the introduction

To crack down on illegal cannabis operations in Oregon, the state’s legislature created and passed House Bill 3000, and Gov. Kate Brown signed it into law in July 2021.

Photo courtesy of Allay Consulting | allayconsulting.com
Kim Stuck

The bill gives more enforcement power to the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC), the state’s cannabis regulatory agency, said Kim Stuck, founder and CEO of Allay Consulting.

“Now, they will be able to monitor some of these hemp farms and make sure that they’re following the rules and that they’re actually growing what they say they’re growing, and they have the amount of plants that they say they’re going to have, and they’re in the areas that they say that they are, and that their potency level is where it’s supposed to be,” Stuck said.

In late August, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) filed its new proposed hemp rules, which intertwine with the OLCC cannabis rules, and is seeking public comment on those by Oct. 22.

Building off of the bill, the proposed rules are largely intended to prevent growers from using hemp as a front for legacy cannabis operations, Stuck said. The rules also more closely align the state’s hemp program with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) rules and address additional issues, such as contamination.

Below are some of the proposed rule changes that Stuck discussed with Hemp Grower.

Read the full article at  https://www.hempgrower.com/article/oregon-department-agriculture-proposes-hemp-rules-kim-stuck-allay-consulting/

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