Oregon: Psilocybin advisory board releases draft rules for training programs

EUGENE, Ore. — A new treatment option is on the way for Oregonians. It’s called psilocybin — more commonly referred to as magic mushrooms — and it will be available to health care providers starting in 2023. 

The use of psilocybin is meant to help treat conditions like depression, PTSD, addiction, severe anxiety, and more. This is all part of Measure 109, approved by voters back in November 2020.

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“Measure 109 creates a license and regulatory framework for production of psilocybin and facilitation for psilocybin services for adults 21 years of age or older,” said Jesse Sweet, the policy analyst for the Oregon Psilocybin Services.

According the Oregon Health Authority’s website, it will be in charge of licensing and regulating the creation, transportation, delivery and purchase of the drug.

But it hasn’t hit the market yet; right now we’re in the two-year development period. A new set of rules has been drafted by the Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board, dealing with how training programs will be credentialed and monitored.

“The service center is where clients will receive psilocybin products and where psilocybin services are facilitated,” Sweet said.

Service centers include places like EPIC Healing in Eugene. Cathy Jonas is a licensed social worker and will be one person able to administer the drug.

“It helps to address PTSD, OCDs, addictions, anxiety, depression and especially it’s one of those modalities that helps out with suicidal ideation,” she said. “So, it’s one of those legal type of routes right now for somebody to get a disassociated and potentially hallucenogenic experience that’s deeply healing.”

Jonas said the drugs they use at EPIC right now, like Ketamine, give their clients an out-of-body experience that can help if they have persistent mental health issues.

But a treatment like this isn’t something they give out lightly. Jonas said there’s a process when it comes to deciding whether or not a client will receive this type of treatment.

“Just the experience of of being under the influence of an altered substance, that’s only one small piece of the puzzle and the healing that can potentially come out of th

Read more. https://www.kezi.com/news/local/psilocybin-advisory-board-releases-draft-rules-for-training-programs/article_8f95a89e-8e03-11ec-be2a-5b27e49029c0.html

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