Well spotted by Lex Pelger You can read all his other amazing discoveries here. https://www.cannabinoidsandthepeople.whitewhalecreations.com/
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In recent years, there has been a strong pressure on legislatures to legalize or decriminalize use and possession of specified amounts of cannabis in many Countries. Opinions about drug legalization/decriminalization can differ based on whether a person has a personal history of substance use and as a function of demographic and ideological characteristics (such a religious or political preference).
Legalization of drugs (e.g., cannabinoids) is the process of removing all legal prohibitions against it. Decriminalization of drugs (e.g., cannabinoids) means it would remain illegal, but the legal system would not prosecute a person for possession under a specified amount. Instead, the penalties would range from no penalties at all, civil fines, drug education, or drug treatment.
Proponents of drug legalization argue that prohibition in general and the “War on Drugs” that began in the 1980′s, in particular, have created a black market for drugs, overloaded the criminal justice system, and failed to reduce the supply of drugs.
On the other hand, the negative data of cannabinoids use far outweigh a few documented benefits for a limited set of medical indications, for which safe and effective alternative treatments are readily available. If there is any medical role for cannabinoid drugs, it lies with chemically defined compounds, not with unprocessed cannabis plant.
On the other hand, the easy availability, cheapness, perceptive legality, and difficulty in detecting its presence with standard urine toxicologic tests, and similar factors probably contribute to the increased use, and popularity of synthetic cannabinoids. Although laws, and regulations concerning auditing of these substances have been implemented in many countries, production of new types of synthetic cannabinoids rapidly takes place.