Paper: Evolution of the Brazilian Drug Control System: Case Study of ADB-FUBIATA, a Psychotropic NPS

December 2024


The New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) market is very dynamic, requiring new legislative approaches to tackle the drug problem. Brazil has improved the Drug Scheduling System, making the process more agile, which allows fast scheduling of NPS. The Working Group conceived between Anvisa and the Ministry of Justice, brings together experts of health regulation, forensics, law enforcement and drug policy, and posed a significant role in evolving the Brazilian Drug Control System.


The Working Group created an online form to facilitate and accelerate drug notification from brazilian Police. Through this tool, in 11/19/2021, Anvisa received a communication regarding the synthetic cannabinoid ADB-FUBIATA, a psychotropic NPS. This molecule was also reported in Brazilian Early Warning System.


ADB-FUBIATA is now a prohibited substance. The ban took place about two months after the drug notification.


The NPS market continues to shift and diversify at an alarming speed, posing a significant risk to public health and a challenge to drug policy. Brazil has made substance scheduling faster through the implementation of an online notification form and the establishment of an Early Warning System. ADB-FUBIATA is an example of improved communication between those involved with the drug problem.

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