Podcast: Australian Medical Association Tells ABC Radio They Still Can’t Back Medical Cannabis

The ABC reports  There has been a surge in approvals for people wanting to use medicinal cannabis in Australia, from 2,500 last year, to 16,000 this year.

At the same time, a review has found there was much more commercial interest than expected and has recommended that licensing requirements be made less onerous.

The AMA isn’t convinced, saying there is still not enough research to prove medicinal cannabis is safe.

Duration: 3min 34sec

More Information


Shannon Anderson, medicinal cannabis user
Peter Crock, CEO of the Cann Group and chairman of Medicinal Cannabis Industry Australia
Ken Charteris, THC Global, medicinal cannabis producer
Professor John McMillan, former Ombudsman and Information Commissioner, conducted review of the 2016 Medicinal Cannabis amendments to the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 (tabled in Parliament in September)
Dr Chris Zappala, Australian Medical Association

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