Poland: Cannabis cultivation 2020 – Statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture

During the session of the parliamentary standing subcommittee on bioeconomy and innovation in agriculture, a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture presented national statistics on hemp agriculture. He discussed, among others the benefits of hemp cultivation, the cultivation acreage in 2020 and the subsidies that farmers could take advantage of last year.

The meeting was held on 14.01. br. The subject was the proposed legislative changes in the conditions of hemp cultivation. It was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and the social side – farmers, processors and representatives of non-governmental organizations.

Growing cannabis in 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture presented the following statistics and conclusions:
– hemp cultivation acreage was 3,600 ha
– since 2013, the cultivation acreage has increased 14 times , then hemp cultivation covered 254 ha
– in 2020, almost half a million (PLN 427,000) subsidies for hemp cultivation for farmers were realized
– 472 growers applied for an aid for cultivation ; for comparison, in 2015 it was 85 people,
– additional payments that could be used by hemp farmers were: single area payment, greening payment, additional payment, payment for young farmers,
– the Ministry of Agriculture plans to maintain the subsidy program
– there are new possibilities of using this raw material,
– the products are fully biodegradable, plants absorb a lot of CO2 from the atmosphere and are an important element of crop rotation and improve the soil structure
– hemp can be used both for the main products of crops and by-products.

During the meeting, the Ministry of Agriculture was in favor of the development of the Polish cannabis market. No wonder then that the seeds of the Henola variety, developed and introduced by the Institute of Natural Fibers and Medicinal Plants, received a prestigious award in the Polish Product of the Future competition, and the institute itself received the Status of the National Research Institute in 91 years of its operation.

All analyzes show that unless the legislation does not put significant obstacles on farmers’ feet, agriculture and hemp processing will develop at an amazing pace. Farmers will undoubtedly play the most important role here – they are responsible for the local raw material supply chain. Unfortunately, the cultivation technology is not yet as mechanized and modern as in the case of other plants. While producers are ingenious and go to great lengths to catch up, the 60-year downtime in hemp use still leaves its mark. A good omen is the adoption of a project to increase the maximum THC content in hemp to 0.3% throughout the European Union. The European Parliament adopted such a decision in October last year. How soon our country will join this trend – we will see. So far, public support for cannabis has been growing steadily and this topic has been systematically raised in the parliamentary arena.

Source:  https://www.marihuana.info.pl/wiadomosci-z-swiata-konopi/uprawa-konopi-krajowe-statystyki-2020/?mc_cid=658ed958e6&mc_eid=ffca6542f9

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