Police raid cannabis store, smoke shop on Indigenous land in Winfield



Police are raiding a cannabis store and smoke shop located on OKIB land in Winfield.

Several unmarked police cars are at the scene of the stores at the corner of Highway 97 and Commonwealth Road.

The police raid is likely related to a crackdown that took place this week on the ‘Green Mile’ cannabis stores located on Westside Road, also on OKIB land.

Police officers appear to be entering both a cannabis shop and a cigarette store on the property in Winfield. Both have been operating, openly, outside the legal system for some time now.

An owner of the stores declined to comment at the scene.

The Community Safety Unit — a provincial police unit dedicated to enforcing cannabis laws — and the OKIB have been tightlipped about the police raids since they started.

One shop owner on Westside Road who was raided this week told Castanet News he would fight the closure orders in court. Those stores reopened for business the next day.

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