Portland VA opens psychedelic therapy


The VA Portland Health Care System recently opened a psychedelic therapy clinic to treat Veterans and conduct clinical trials.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held for the Social Neuroscience & Psychotherapy Lab at the Veterans Affairs organization’s Vancouver campus in Washington on Mar. 18.

It was attended by the Portland VA’s Director David Holt. He took the time to thank the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation for making substantial contributions to the facility’s establishment.

Holt also acknowledged the lab’s principal investigator Dr. Christopher Stauffer and others involved.

“We could not have done it without the support of the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation,” Stauffer said in a LinkedIn post. Steve Cohen, a renowned investor and head of the Point 72 hedge fund, has donated millions to psychedelic research.

There are currently two clinical trials under way at the new clinic. One is a study on psilocybin-assisted therapy for Veterans suffering from methamphetamine addiction. The other is an investigation of MDMA-assisted group therapy for Veterans with PTSD.

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Portland VA opens psychedelic therapy clinic for mental health and substance use disorders

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