Press Release: Hemp Industry Calls for Crucial FDA Regulation Hearing from House Energy and Commerce

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a resolute move to address the challenges faced by the U.S. hemp industry, 28 non-profit organizations, representing every link in the hemp supply chain and spanning diverse regions of the nation, along with four prominent national dietary supplement organizations, have delivered a compelling letter to the leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Addressed to Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Ranking Member Frank Pallone, the letter requests that the committee promptly assemble a hearing on the Food and Drug Administration’s inaction regarding the rapidly expanding hemp market and the entity’s failure to develop a regulatory pathway for the sale of ingestible hemp products such as CBD.

Despite the legalization of hemp through the 2018 Farm Bill more than five years ago, the FDA has yet to take substantial steps to regulate hemp products. This lack of action has presented substantial challenges for the industry, leading to economic hardships for U.S. farmers, a pivotal segment of the hemp sector, with commodity prices experiencing a staggering decline of over 90 percent.

The letter acknowledges that the House Energy and Commerce Committee issued a Request for Information last summer, aligning with the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. However, unlike other committees such as House Agriculture and House Oversight, the Energy and Commerce Committee has not initiated comparable actions, specifically in conducting hearings on the matter. This requested hearing would serve as a pivotal opportunity for committee members to contribute valuable insights on critical issues impacting the hemp industry’s survival and the safeguarding of health and public safety.

Jonathan Miller, General Counsel for the U.S. Hemp Roundtable, underscores the collective importance within the hemp industry, stating, “The fate of the entire industry – hemp extracts, fiber, seed, etc. – depends on regulatory oversight, and we fervently urge House Energy & Commerce to take swift action in addressing these issues through a hearing in the near future.”

We will continue sharing updates as this request advances through Congress. We also ask that you consider joining our HempSupporter+ program to become more involved with our advocacy efforts!

Help US by staying tuned in and involved. Together we can advance the U.S. hemp industry!

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